October 2023 After the Shinkansen (bullet train) ride down from Tokyo to Kyushu, for our ceramic immersion and discovery of the town of Bikan, followed by an art filled discovery of Naoshima Art Island, we head to central Japan. First…

October 2023 After the Shinkansen (bullet train) ride down from Tokyo to Kyushu, for our ceramic immersion and discovery of the town of Bikan, followed by an art filled discovery of Naoshima Art Island, we head to central Japan. First…
September 2023 – Naoshima, Japan After our pottery-centric first few days in Southern Honshu, we double down on the combination of art and nature. We take the train to an art lovers dream escape, to a remote island in the…
September 2023 (Excerpts from Greenglobaltrek instagram.) For this trip to Japan, our fourth together, we choose to explore new regions of Japan. So we head to the Southern part of the main island of Honshu. Our journey starts by Bullet…
September 2023, Borneo Indonesia (Excerpts from our instagram posts) For the past ten years there’s a place, there’s a trip, there’s an adventure we’ve been yearning to experience! It was either too expensive, or requiring time and energy we didn’t…
(After Seoul Korea we returned to Chicago to visit with family.) July 2023 ~ Excerpts from our instagram posts Given that we need to be in Asia for Ben’s work, we are choosing to base ourselves for two months (again……
IT’S JANUARY 2024, as we write this and as good a time as any to finally start to catch up on our blog since we last posted from the Philippines at the end of April 2023, where we lived for…
March & April, 2023 As we sat on Madame Bell’s bed (Ben’s mother) talking about where Ben and I would be living next, I told her that this time I had decided to go with Ben to the Philippines rather…
Well, amazingly, it has been a full YEAR since we last posted here on our Greenglobaltrek blog! If you are reading us, welcome back and thanks for your patience while we were “missing in action”. Many of you have followed…