A new furry friend.. (Granada.)







Walking in the street last night, while Mango was chasing a soccer ball and Ben was chatting with some kids, I noticed some girls with a little kitten nearby. Suddenly they threw the kitten, as though it was a piece of garbage or a ball, from the street to high up onto the top of a wall of a nearby building.

I shouted at them and they quickly ran away. So no choice, but to scramble up onto the wall to rescue said kitten.

He is little, about 2-3 weeks old ~ a black scrawny looking little thing, with the usual disproportionately large ears.

Back at the house in his new found bed and Ben went off to the pharmacy to purchase a syringe (without the needle) to function as a feeder and soy formula.
Long night of feeding every three hours or so. Emails were sent out to the network of animal saviors.. with lots of advice coming in and the news that most of these adoptive “homes” were full to capacity with other neglected puppies and kittens.
Keeping him till Monday and hopefully the vet will then take him in to her care. For one thing, we leave for Ecuador in a few days. For another, Pablo our former rescued kitten is not very happy to have a new smaller, cute needy kitten around.
Mango though has taken a huge interest in this new little kitten (yup, Pablo is jealous) and licks him to clean him, allowing the little kitten to snuggle up against him for comfort. Very cute…Mango has a wonderful maternal instinct, even though he is “macho” (male.)
It’s a menagerie right now!

6 thoughts on “A new furry friend.. (Granada.)

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Yes, we Kaplan girls have been rescuing kittens for years now!
      good advice re providing education rather than judgement. Thanks!

  1. Peta, Ben, Mango, Dwayne and Pablo

    Mango and Dwayne are going to Lily, who is the American woman who manages our house while we are gone and has her own dog and a huge property. The kitten has been reassigned to a Nicaraguan vet – there is a small group of concerned animal lovers taking on this huge task of caring for unwanted kittens and puppies.

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