Community Dog Wash

Hugo, my 9 year old neighbor, was telling me he was “aburrido”. I asked him what that meant, and he said “it’s the same as ‘triste’, which I know is Spanish for sad. I looked in my ever handy dictionary and find out that aburrido means ‘bored’. I tell Hugo that bored and sad are not at all the same thing. I suggest to him that he might be interested in helping wash the dogs when they get back from their daily swim in Lake Cocibolca.

Hugo is definitely interested in this activity. He is very curious as to where and how this is going to happen. It’s not exactly a culturally “normal” Nica activity to wash one’s dog. Those who do have dogs basically employ them as “cuidadors”, i.e. a cross between watchdogs and alarm systems. So the idea that the dog is going to get washed in the street is pretty amusing to Hugo. The dog wash is to take place outside in the street, I inform him. I bring the hose to the door and armed with towels and shampoo, we wait for Pedro to return. What begins as a Hugo/Pedro/Peta activity soon blossoms into a neighborhood dogwash.

Not all participate physically, but there is a good cheering section.

When it comes to drying Mango, the girls on our block get into the act.

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