A long awaited delivery.

Having just learned that a handful of items have been “lifted” by the customs department (and pending resolution), we find ourselves awaiting delivery of the six pallets of “stuff” we shipped from Chicago, three months ago. A truck pulls up, and with great efficiency, the sala gets filled with boxes. We savor our clutter-free house in Granada, so it is with some trepidation that we open one box at a time. It seems inconceivable that whatever the content may be in those boxes, the extra “stuff” will somehow integrate itself in the house without taking over.

Some of the highlights: The piano sounds awesome. The high ceiling makes for great accoustics; Assorted treats, such as good English Breakfast tea, crunchy peanut butter, and sheets of Japanese seaweed, Nori;

Peta’s paintings are plentyful and opening each box is like saying hello to old friends. We brought our favorites and most of the Stray Dog series. A new home means a new opportunity for some paintings to be featured. The first ones out of the box that claim a spot on the wall are 3’x3′ goat paintings from India. They are bold and the color is intense. Most importantly they are a window into our Indian adventures, creating an overlap between art and travel.

There are lots of boxes marked “books”. We had narrowed the universe of books prior to the move, so now we rediscover a fabulous collection of art books and travel books about countries that we have visited, or intend to visit. These travel books are always a good indicator of the firming up of a trip. There are several one off books of countries we thought we might travel to, but which didn’t make the grade. Witness Uzbekistan — one volume. But there are 5 books on India. A sure sign that Peta is revving up her engines. There are also 4 books on Vietnam. It’s a close race.
Our friend Nayeli came back to Nicaragua today (see prior “early morning yoga” entry). She comes back to Granada after 2 months working in an Italian kitchen. It’s good to have her back!

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