Empty nesters – second offspring visit

A few days after Oren left (see earlier blog entry – Empty Nesters: first visit from offspring), it was Adam’s turn to visit. Adam is a Freshman at University of Texas in Austin and is majoring in Latin American studies. Those who follow the blog closely will remember that Adam is the reason we got to Nicaragua in the first place, having selected Nicaragua as the family destination for a vacation when he was 15. It was at his insistence that we went looking at real estate in Granada (leading to our buying what would become our home, on the last day of the trip). Adam was also with us a couple of years later when we had an opportunity to buy the beach property at Ostional. So all in all, of the four boys, Adam has been the most connected to our Nicaragua adventure. His first book of photographs on Nicaragua and associated Gallery exhibit generated the funds to pay for sports equipment given to a local school in 2007.

As was the case with Oren, while he was happy to see us, he was most eager to reconnect with his dog, Mango, whom he hasn’t seen in 6 months.

After a couple of days in Granada, we quickly whisk Adam off to the beach.

Late at night, under the stars, we rekindle memories of our family Scrabble tournaments. One of Ben’s influences on the Peta household was the introduction of games of all sorts as a way of having time together, which can often be a challenge with teen age boys.

Other than for his dogs, Adam has two great passions. One is for cooking, the other is for photography. We look forward to seeing the second book of photographs that Adam will put together after this trip.

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