The circle of European friends expands: Part 1: Add a German…

Meet our new neighbor and yoga teacher Jens. He arrived from Koln, Germany, via Thailand, two weeks ago to start teaching hatha/ tantric yoga, also known as Agama yoga, here at PURE – the gym across the road. Agama yoga emphasizes breath, concentration and energy work . It is a very traditional and pure form of yoga, without the Western influence that many other styles of yoga tend to incorporate, particularly those in the U.S. which emphasize the physical work out aspect of asana positions.

We attend the first all day yoga workshop, which runs from 8.00 in the morning till 6.00 at night, with a mid-day break. We benefit from Jens’ years of living and practicing yoga in India and Thailand. Prior to that, he spent several years living in China, so he comes to Nica with a wealth of knowledge. A lot of new and fascinating information coming our way, as well as music mediations. The plan is for future Sunday workshops which will build on the first introductory session, and deep dive into specific topics.

We have noticed that newcomers to Nicaragua generally fall into two categories… those who are not sure how they feel about being here (after all, it is not for everyone) and those who immediately resonate with the place and love it right away. Jens is definitely one of the latter. He is impressed by the quality of the air, how clean the city is (that’s a first!), in comparison to his home city of Koln. He is clearly a great fit for Nicaragua…. Enterprising, creative and resistant to the challenges of a 3rd world country. He also makes kickass broccoli pesto, with the promise of more culinary treats to come… A welcome addition to the primarily vegetarian, organic food eating, yoga practicing, environmentally conscious commune like group of eclectic internationalists who live on or near our street Calle Corralles.
Jens has already had some impact be revamping the kitchen at PURE, German style, as well as suggesting that our back wall be a sky blue, which made sense and we implemented right away.

The day after Jens’ introductory Agama yoga workshop, we head to the beach and invite Jens and Warren to join us for some sun and sea. We are glad to be the first to introduce Jens to the Nicaraguan countryside and Pacific sea side beauty.

I like this ratio of three fabulous guys and “sola yo”.

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