100 post mark! High level overview

OK, so when we started this blog, we hoped we would keep it going and it is with some degree of self-satisfaction that we can say that the first 100 posts lived up to the potential of our “empty nesters on a global trek” vision. What have we written about, in broad strokes and where are we going with this?

++ Our relocation from Chicago-land to Granada, Nicaragua: that was a big theme in the early days, but now it seems like the logistical challenges have given way to an ever so comfortable sense of being part of our neighborhood.
We still love our adopted city of Granada and feel at home on our street. The few trips we have taken to other regions have all been rich and worth the effort. There are still many areas we want to explore: Esteli for the soap stone and cigar country context, Rio San Juan for the virgin tropical forest, Boaco — allegedly an attractive cowboy town…
++ Our green endeavors: CO2 Bambu is entering a fascinating phase of industrial ramp up. It is intellectually and organizationally stimulating. We have a solid team, we have products, we have good industrial solutions and we have a full pipeline of bids. That’s on the professional front.

On the personal front, the little neighborhood recycling center which we support by donating the use of Peta’s studio, is starting to metastasize. It’s worth mentioning that this is Granada’s FIRST recycling center! A Managua company come on an as needed basis, once there are enough recyclables to fill a truck.

According to Roger, who is the nominated “recipient” of daily deliveries of recyclables (plastics, paper, glass, cardboard), several other streets want to join in on the recycling effort. One group volunteered 100 young people to go through the city and pick up & deliver the trash, as long as they can keep the cash from selling their recyclables. Hell yes, we said.
Whatever the motivation, getting a hundred young Granadinos to see in a palpable way that there is an alternative to throwing trash randomly in the street, would be a great win…
++ Travel: The first 100 entries brought Ecuador, the second 100 entries will certainly include Haiti and more… Peta’s plans for travel to India in May have been put “on hold”. Still, we see travel in our near future, to Haiti, Austin Texas, San Francisco…

++ Our animals: Yes, yes, lots of those entries… These merely reflect the omni-presence of our menagerie in our lives. Today’s count: two dogs, two cats. Pablo, the feline prince of the casa, has adjusted well to Frida’s permanent presence. Whereas initially he hounded her mercilessly, today they are good friends in true cat fashion. They tear through the house on wild chase games and venture with great agility along the roof tops. Mango and Dwayne are finally 97% tick-free. It took two fumigations, three series of anti-tick shots, multiple anti-tick shampoos, and daily medicine (for parasites resulting from said ticks).
++ Art: Much coverage over the past 100 entries regarding Peta’s Stray Dogs series of paintings. Having now placed her large paintings in several locations in Granada, Peta’s identity has solidifed as a painter (of stray dogs) and as an animal rescuer. Having the paintings hang in the environment which inspired their creation, is meaningful in a different way. People who live or visit here, know these dogs. Lately, I have noticed that when someone has trouble pronouncing Peta’s name, she refers them to PETA (People for the Ethical Treament of Animals.)
As a side note, our blog made “Best Green Blogs” in 2009. We also were mentioned as one of the most interesting blogs in the category of empty nesters, in “Ageless Northshore” an online publication based in Chicago. Some stats about our blog since we started keeping track some time back:

Empty Nesters: Green Global Trek                                                
 -- Site Summary ---                                 
Page Views              
Total ........................ 4,490                         
Average per Day ................. 24                         
This Week ...................... 167 

2 thoughts on “100 post mark! High level overview

  1. Sharon

    Congratulations on this milestone. It means a lot to me to be able to keep up with your lives and see your pictures this way. It takes discipline to maintain a blog and I appreciate your work in all its many aspects. I miss you guys, but you are so very cool. Love, Sharon

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