Muchas Gracias….

Muchas gracias to Lynne Gomez who sent a donation to help contribute to buying school supplies for Nicaraguan children. Lynne read about us in Ageless Northshore which is an online newspaper which ran an article about our activities and move to Granada, Nicaragua.
Four sisters are now equipped with backpacks and school supplies thanks to Lynne. The mother was so overjoyed at this act of generosity from a stranger she burst into tears and made all of her kids hug me, one by one.

I still get continous requests for supplies .. either what kids have runs out (books and pencils get used), or others hear about this gringa that helps buy supplies and come knocking on the door. I still get kids coming to show me their schoolwork and a man that brings me gifts of bags of mangos and a backpack full of jocotes (a Nica fruit, is the shape of a date and goes from green to orange and has a large pit with a bit of juicy flesh around it) from his garden in gratitude for helping his kids. Another brought me a gift of almitar, which is a postre (dessert) made from jocotes, sugar, butter and is cooked and eaten in Nicaraguan households now until Semana Santa.

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