Flowers and paintbrushes in bloom

Before the paint brush, there was the petal. It is a garden in explosive bloom of orange, yellow, blue, purple and white that brought Peta back to her canvas. And thus it is with the artistic soul – just as Peta has been known to paint for days and days, late into the night, so it is that sometimes the paintbrush stays dry, on the table, or worse yet in a plastic container in a dark closet.

But paint is once again running aflow. And many a wonderful thing can happen when paint brushes are wet in this household. So homage to the garden. Here are the flowers that prompted some much awaited brush strokes. The mural on the walls is complete.

But the paint brush is still wet and Peta is now “in painting mode” – for those who know her well, you will know this means generous swashes of paint on her forehead, nose and hair, paintbrush in between teeth.

The murals being complete, she moves to the bedroom. There, previous charcoal sketches on the wall of nudes, courtesy of our German friend Nayeli, were awaiting some color. This weekend, the girls came vibrantly alive.

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