You might wonder what I, Peta, have been doing while Ben was in Haiti…

Since adopting “Social Media” as my main focus of energy and effort for CO2 Bambu these days, I have been very busy indeed. I have helped to increase our friend base on facebook from around 600 to over 1,220 today. The timing of this push for social media is not coincidental. Preparing the company for discussions with prospective investors, we can display our achievements to date and start to build a meaningful dialogue with a community
of like minded, social impact and ecological impact actors.

There are so many people interested and supportive of what we are doing in Nicaragua and Haiti! The contours of what can happen through an active Facebook fans base are starting to appear.

We have some potential volunteer interest in help with rain cachement systems, solar panels and compost toilets. As CO2 Bambu tackles programs in Nicaragua and Haiti, having developed skills or connected with strategic partners with these skills, will be important.

On the non business front:

Facing an unusually exhausted Ben (about three hours of sleep each night due to the workload of what needed to be achieved in a short time), I arrange a kidnapping of sorts…

I set up a home exchange (for our bamboo studio) with the owner of a hillside beach house (much like the one rented while Josh and Krista were here), just smaller, for the two of us, just perfect. We escape to the beach and the solitude of nature and the hillside behind Maderas and Majagual beaches. Maderas, a known surfing spot, now has a real open air restaurant behind the fish taco stand, and in accordance with Ben’s wishes, offers a really good capuccino.

Beach, capuccino, French language newspapers from Haiti, mangoes on tap as it’s mango season right now… life is good.

By the end of the weekend, and post Haiti processing, we come to the acknowledgement that Haiti is clearly going to be integral to our lives as we move forward.

For more on our activities in Haiti, see these earlier posts:



One thought on “You might wonder what I, Peta, have been doing while Ben was in Haiti…

  1. Sharon

    You probably saved his life! You are an amazing creature to have found such a perfect retreat. Coffee AND mangoes! I brought home 6 green mangoes my neighbor snagged from a limb overhanging my back yard the day before we left and ate them 10 days later in Highland Park. MMMMmmmm. I SO wanted to be there for mango season, but since I couldn’t manage the heat, there’ll be more for you and Ben, who REALLY EARNED THEM!! I miss you both and I’m so proud to know yous.

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