The Magic of Nicaragua

Yoga’s philosophical underpinning includes the belief that if you set your intentions clearly, universal forces will line up lifes’ cards and make clear intentions into reality.

Such is the case for us yet again in Nicaragua. We say “yet again” because it has been a recurring pattern. When we bought and built Casa Hubbert’s Peak, our current residence on Calles Corralles in 2006, there was an abandoned school in a sorry state across the street. We mused and set intentions of what we would ideally want to see evolve. Yoga and massage across the street topped the list… that would be perfect. A vegetarian restaurant, that would be good too. Within a year, the owner of the property and friend turned the place into PURE a gym/spa/yoga center which offers vegetarian dinners during the week.

Other set intentions for what we needed/desired to make life more complete were freshly made fruit juices and smoothies and cappucino. This intention setting occurs so frequently in Nicaragua that it has become almost a game of some kind of magic. About a year ago we started to set our intentions for one of favorite set of beaches North of San Juan del Sur. How would it be if we could have capuccino and cool jazz at the beach? Lo and behold in record time we now have both.

So what are we now missing? How amazing even if seemingly far fetched would it be to have an accessible Japanese (sushi) restaurant and a Vietnamese restaurant.

Fast forward to this weekend…. as we drive into SJDS we see a brand new little restaurant directly across from the beach. Rented car wheels screech to a halt and quick back up.. Did we just actually read the word sushi?? Magically there seems to have appeared a Japanese sushi restaurant that opened two weeks ago. It is owned and run by Abraham Quesada whom we have met numerous times in Granada at our local gym/yoga center. He has a long and successful history of opening, running and being chef in restaurants in the US and who has just opened his first in Nicaragua – and delivered yet another piece of Nica magic!

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