Paris – First play, then work

Bullet train from Paris to Rotterdam … 3 hours! (This trip used to take about 9 hours on the regular train…) Paris is of course, Ben’s “hometown”. He grew up and went to school in Paris until he moved to LA mid way through high school. We have been in Paris many times together over the years, and I (Peta) never tire of this gorgeous city.. of course being in Paris with a Parisian boyfriend, puts the whole experience “over the top!”

It is COLD – So much for the idea of “Paris in Spring”, this is about accumulating multiple layers of clothing. It might be cold….. but the open air cafes and bistros have outdoor heating and the girls are hot.
First stop in Paris is always the nearest open market, which in this case is the Bastille market, 2mn away from the apartment. Foodies out there, enjoy these pics.
…………………………………………………………………………………Our first home exchange is in La Bastille, near the gorgeous Place des Vosges. The studio is TINY, but it’s distinctive feature is the five steep flights of stairs, rewarded ultimately by a typical Parisian roof top view. Second home exchange a few days later, also five flights up (no elevator, good exercise!) is in the Marais and is a lovely one bedroom, bright apartment also with roof top views, perfectly located in a buzzing young neighborhood, chockful of restaurants and constant people and feels positively huge after the first home exchange. One block away is a gorgeous park with sunny spots, ducks and flowers and table tennis!
I (Ben) have a memorable reunion with two of my best friends from age 13-15. Last time we met: 30 years ago! And yet, it felt as though we had just seen each other. Somehow one catches up on 30 years in 30mn and the many twists and turns of life get distilled into broad strokes.
Other than that, LOTS of good food, shopping in the shmatte district, long walks… I (P) continue to be amazed by both the exquisite light in Paris, the colors and how any corner bistrot yields really great food. For those who want specific details, think: Moelle (Bone marrow), Raie au beurre noir (Stingray), crepes, lots and lots of French cheese, grand crèmes, (B), baguettes etc.

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