4+8=12 It’s a full house!

I guess it runs in the family. Once again our house was filled to capacity with adopted stray animals. The first of these was a very skinny, pathetic, skin and bones puppy which was abandoned on the corner lot. We had no choice, it always seems, but to take her in and provide a loving foster home until we could find something more permanent.
Within a few days Oren came to the door with an even sadder, skinnier and smaller kitten that he had found on a side street, which would have been dead within hours. What to do? It’s a full house. Lets see…. Theres Mango and Dwayne and then there is Princess. Princess is a street dog that adopted US and while she still dominates the street, she often sleeps here and comes for food and love and affection and then goes back out for more street life and adventures on the run. So that’s three dogs plus one puppy, equals four.
Then on the cat front, there is Thurgood, Salvador, Diego. Phat Tony and Stubs (all adoptees) and there are the two stray cats that hang out on our little terrace and eat on the steps.. they are Georgia (the mom of Salvador) and her boyfriend, George.  Add the new kitten and that equals eight.
Okay, so this is where the family part comes in.  Twelve animals is a LOT, but then again lets spin the globe to Israel and see what my sister Niki is up to. Niki just did a huge rescue of a stray dog, and feeds 28 stray cats on a daily basis.  Insert link…

http://animals.walla.co.il/?w=/5733/2540601 (in Hebrew)

The “little puppy” as she became called, because we were determined that we could not have yet another dog, was quite a handful.  The first day she yelped in fear each time someone tried to touch her, as she clearly had been abused. After two baths in the basin, de fleaing and lots of good food, good love, this scruffy puppy started to exhibit the signs of a very pampered pooch. Lets just say that Ben was unable to resist picking up the baby in the night and snuggling with her… against my rules of “absolutely no dogs on the bed, ever.. Cats YES, dogs NO” , but so it was to be.
Today after three weeks of life at the Ritz on Calle Corral, she finally left to go and live at the Laguna with six other dogs on a very large property. My last goodbye was a sight of a tiny little puppy sitting on the front seat of a huge flat bed truck, with just her little head and ears sticking above the window.

“Little puppy” enjoying the garden

Abandoned puppy meets abandoned kitten.
When she first arrived our cats were boldly curious… Stubs and Tony look on.

Sunday morning breakfast and puppy comes along of course!

Peta the dog walker… a bit of juggling act.

Keeping Mango from getting jealous of the newest arrival

This little pup reminds me very much of a miniature version of the dogs in my dog paintings

Three weeks later, fat and happy with a big belly and gorgeous fur  silky from coconut oil
Bye bye little puppy… off to your new life. 

3 thoughts on “4+8=12 It’s a full house!

  1. Inessa Daniv

    I have a rescue I support just outside of Managua in Nicaragua. Shellthon Zamora. They desperately need food. Are there any pet food suppliers you know of in that area I could contact to arrange a large shipment of food? Let me know and super thanks!

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