BIg win for CO2 Bambu

It is an arduous climb, trying to launch not only a business but a full fledged bamboo industry in Nicaragua.  This past week, however, we got a shot in the arm thanks to the World Bank.  Following CO2 Bambu’s timely completion of its ROsita program for Post Hurricane Felix Reconstruction, the government of Nicaragua recommended and received approval from the World Bank to expand this project by another 60 houses, this time in the community of Puerto Cabezas / Bilwi.

So CO2 Bambu’s team of technical-cowboy-adventurers-entrepreneurs immediately got itself on warp speed after months of awaiting this award.  Nearly instantly, CO2 Bambu’s team grew from a base of 30 or so, to 120, building up 15 teams of 6 assemblers each, to immediately start construction.
We had been (anxiously) anticipating this award and had started cutting and preserving bamboo for months, so as of the date of the award, we already had all 60 houses worth of bamboo preserved, dry, ready to go.  Now, it is up to Julio and his team of young civil engineers to show their genius and overcome the many challenges that no doubt will come their way.
Here is an article in the local Nicaragua Dispatch which discusses this award:

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