San Francisco – work and play

Slowly but surely San Francisco is becoming our “anchor” US city.   It seems that almost each and every year something beckons in SF.  On the professional front, it is the home of SOCAP – the leading impact investment “broker” in the US which we attended last year in August and will attend again in October.  On the family front, it is where Josh has taken up residence for now several years, having relocated the headquarters of his after-concert, music / event promotion business, Euphonic Conceptions.  It is also the home of some very serious dim sum and thriving Chinatown, a favorite destination.
Must say that this trip did not disappoint in terms of both quality time with Josh & Krista, and culinary adventurism.    Josh can always be counted on to provide, solid leads for good food, from Thai to breakfast to Sushi.  How is this all possible on a Nicaraguan budget? Thanks, yet again, to Peta’s formidable harvesting of the Home Exchange website which surfaced an extremely generous family, whose house we have stayed in now for the second time while they were in their country home. 
Dim sum: shrimp and leek dumplings. YUM!

Such a dilemma… what dim sum to eat first?

Dim sum and foot reflexology for us, go together!!

I prefer Chinese herbal teas for vitality and many other benefits

Mushrooms… many benefits

Jasmine tea

Josh, Krista, Peta in Twin Peaks

And of course… McGrupp!!
Josh’s house..

Sunday breakfast in Noe Valley w Josh
Sidewalk cappucino while we wait

It was great for us to come “full circle” on the experience created by Al Gore’s famed Climate Reality presentation.  We did afterall launch CO2 Bambu because of Gore’s “an inconvenient truth” movie.  Now, 5 years later, we return as field-proven “soldiers” in his campaign to battle Climate Change Deniers.  Interestingly, while the gathering of 1000 Climate Reality Leaders trained by Al Gore, brought people from 57 countries and 46 US States, people ranging from academics to journalists to eco-entrepreneurs and scientists, we found an overwhelming focus on refuting Climate Change deniers, and not enough focus on articulating actual SOLUTIONS.  For this reason, we managed to work our way into the “inner sanctum” of Climate Reality’s leadership and push for a side workshop aimed at surfacing SOLUTIONS.  CO2 Bambu’s focus on amphibious housing that can yield flood resilient amphibious communities is one such solutions.  We know there are many more.  This week we launch our personal effort to surface more such solutions.

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