From builder of eco-homes, we will morph into the role of developer.
Through an alliance with one of Granada’s leading families of entrepreneurs and land owners, CO2 Bambu is now poised to become an eco-developer.
Our first foray into this world will be through the development of “Quinta Amelia”, a 30-house development on the outskirts of Granada.
The selected design is intended to blend easily within the neighborhood, with limited visible bamboo. (However, the walls are made of Guadua bamboo.)
The signature of the contract between Gabriel Pasos, or his company Servinsa, and CO2 Bambu, launches the next phase, which is to build up the infrastructure required prior to construction of the homes.
In parallel, CO2 Bambu’s Ivan Malespin has taken the lead to reach out to Granadinos in need of homes under the $20,000 ceiling which constitutes the upper limit of what the Nicaraguan government considers “social housing”. At a recent trade fair, CO2 Bambu met many customers to pitch this new development in Granada.
Overall, Nicaragua’s housing deficit is over 500,000 homes and it is unlikely that government programs or housing programs by NGOs can make more than a dent into this large housing deficit.
For this ready, CO2 Bambu seeks to demonstrate that it is possible de deploy eco-homes through the use of commercial bank loans to future home owners.
CO2 Bambu morphs from builder to developer
Today launches an exciting new adventure for CO2 Bambu.
- Full house….
- Birthday adventure trip!