A day in Da Nang, Viet Nam

Crossing our first bridge which looked as though it was made from Lego pieces. Bright orange with orange and light teal green railing.

The city of Da Nang, one of the largest in Vietnam, is just forty five minutes North of Hoi An. Ben lured by the promise of all you can eat Dim Sum at one of the hotels, suggests taking the motorbike and spending a day in Da Nang. He offers up Dim Sum followed by a movie at an actual movie theater!

The city is famous for China Beach where American soldiers came to recoup and frequent the bars and ladies of the night. Today it still has its fair share of night life, yet is mostly known as a city of lights and bridges. There are about five bridges and each one is lit up differently at night in a variety of colors making for quite a sight!

Da Nang is where people go for the malls, the shops, the night life and the airport.

The drive is one straight flat road, alongside the ocean from Hoi An Beach to Da Nang. Super easy!

Looking through the rails of one bridge to the next one which is bright yellow and then beyond that, the third one shaped like a large serpent.
Not your typical Dim Sum with carts ~ at this stage we start to get a bit nervous about our upcoming Dim Sum….
No fears… Not only is it uniquely beautifully made, also original and very yummy.
Rows and rows of motorbikes line many of the Da Nang streets.
Baguettes are everywhere! Triple the size of the Hoi An ones, these are the real thing!
Serpent bridge lit up at night. Note the tail on the far right. The color of the lights changes every few minutes, starting at the head of the snake on the left and moving to the far right tail of the snake.
From yellow to blue…
to green…..
Another bridge in the distance on the left which looks like a butterfly at night, with the wings changing colors every few minutes. City of bridges and lights indeed.

One other important legacy from the American War is that Da Nang was one of the large bases of the U.S. Air Force and one of the largest storage center for Agent Orange bombing raids. The whole region is today still clearly reflective of this sad heritage in the form of a higher than average population of people born or developing disabilities and handicaps.

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