Live, from the streets of Ubud, Bali. Indonesia

We often wonder, before arriving at a new destination: “But what does it look like?”  and by this we mean, what does one find, say, taking a walk in the streets.  So… for those who share this basic curiosity, we thought we’d give a smattering of what one finds strolling the streets of Ubud…
Religious spiritual life is a rich central component to Bali…
Offerings everywhere, every day, on the ground in woven leaf trays, or on mantels around sculptures and shrines.
During a down pour a woman carries her offerings in a woven basket on her head.

Lots of motorbikes…

Lots of mopeds parked outside one of the numerous really good cafes.
In addition to bikes, there are tons of cars… often creating quite a traffic jam in the small streets from 2pm till early evening. The town has grown exponentially in popularity in the last 15 years.
Even monkeys ride motorbikes in Ubud…
A varied set of unique, small stores…
Many stores catering to the yoga crowd.
 In terms of the expats and travelers that populate the streets, stores tell the story – interspersed with chic boutiques, are a plethora of spas, galleries, and natural products stores.
More small high end stores with, in this case, gorgeous Balinese paintings


In addition to the International version of  The New York Times, two daily local papers in English. Ben is very happy!


Gorgeous Balinese architecture all around…

An elaborate entrance to a private home.
Doorways in between the stores on the streets give a hint at the grandeur which resides in many of the compounds and temples behind the front portals.
Many ornate stone temples… Fabric wrapped sculptures indicates a ceremony has or will occur.
REALLY good food, all around…

Very health oriented, there are more vegan, vegetarian and live food restaurants than anywhere else we have ever been. The food is  very often organic and is usually absolutely delicious too. Green and fresh fruit drinks,  herbal elixirs are on many a menu. There are also plenty of WARANGS which offer inexpensive good Balinese cuisine. (Story of its own coming up soon…)
SOMA – a world class raw,  vegan organic restaurant with amazingly delicious offerings. One of our favorite places which offers green drinks, raw desserts, seaweed salads, chai teas etc…. as well as musicians playing guitar and drums.
Live pad thai as well as mushroom stacked with beets and creamy cashew cheese. YUM!
And we are enjoying mixing it up – healthy food with  street food. Ben says this local specialty of suckling pig with a very crackly skin is delicious!
Supremacy of street food needs to be confirmed, again and again…
The mobile chicken soup with “matza balls” … Hot coals and all, part of the mobile food motorbike.

Also found roaming the streets of Ubud – women, MANY, many women.  A sort of statistical anomaly, really…
It seems that since the publication and success of “Eat Pray Love” (with a love section in Ubud) and the Julia Roberts movie that followed, every single Australian (but not just Australian) woman in search of love has found her way to Ubud.  It’s really uncanny: in most restaurants we go to,  about 85% of the tables are filled with women only.  BOYS, be advised – if you are looking for love, Ubud may be the place.
Did I say there was a ridiculous number of single girls roaming the streets of Ubud?

Many opportunities for side jaunts close to Ubud’s center…

Taking a stop to peek inside the courtyard of a temple.
Local workers – all wearing sarongs on the construction site.
Coconuts aplenty!
Coconut shells dried, carved and varnished make small lamp shades for light to glow through.
In Ubud you can find statues of Buddha from tiny to huge in every color material from wood, to stone, to copper, to fibre glass as shown here.

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