2017 was a different type of year for us. Our travels this year, were prioritized around visiting our parents and sons in the U.S. ~ not once, but twice.
Of course we managed to sneak in some short stops en route, to satiate our Green Global Trek travel bug.
There were milestone events for all four of our sons and we wanted to be there to both help and celebrate: Josh moved (with his girlfriend Ana)from San Francisco to Grass Valley where he bought his first home; Ezra completed his coding course and got engaged to Jessica in Portland; Oren bought the building where he (and his fiance Jess) live and renovated/moved to one of the apartments; Adam moved his home based micro greens growing business into a large professional space allowing him to significantly grow his business.
Other than our travels to the U.S. we were settling in to our life in Sri Lanka, balancing Ben’s work in the capital city of Colombo and our rural lifestyle on the Southern Coast.
2017 was an important year in terms of my (Ben) work, firming up activities in Sri Lanka along two tracks ~ providing solutions in the field of national security to the Sri Lankan government, as well as the creation of a Climate Change-related think tank.
January was about…

celebrating Chinese New Year, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

visiting the impressive museum of Islamic Art, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
February was about…
stopping for dim sum and reflexology in Hong Kong,

expanding our understanding of what Hong Kong has to offer as a city, thanks to the easy subway system,

hiking Dragon’s Back, and by so doing expanding our knowledge of Hong Kong,

creating space (mental and physical) is always a priority for Peta

then, returning to Bali, Indonesia ~ enjoying the always mesmerizing rice paddies,

staying healthy with the plethora of natural organic raw vegan food of Bali.
March was about…
seeing all 4 of our sons, starting in Chicago with Adam and Oren,
being there when Adam’s organic urban farming business shifted gear from a home based business to a professional, larger urban space,

brunching with Oren & Jess in Chicago,

enjoying time with dearest long time friends Sharon and Aaron, in Chicago,

luxuriating at JB’s house (Ben’s mom) in Beverly Hills

meeting up with Ezra, who came from Portland to L.A. for a sweet reunion,

storytelling with Chantal (Ben’s sister) in L.A.

catching up with Sophie (Ben’s sister) in L.A.

reuniting with Josh & Ana for a lovely time together in San Francisco

walking though the canyon forest with Josh and McGrupp (San Francisco),
April was about…

resettling back into our lives in Sri Lanka,

celebrating Peta’s birthday with an explorations of Sri Lankan Southern beaches getaway,

enjoying the tranquility of the Southern coast,

watching the sun set as often as possible,

adding depth to our exposure to Theravada Buddhism in Sri Lanka.
May was about…

walking through the rice paddies in our immediate neighborhood. Wild peacocks included…

discovering new nearby beaches and dramatic coastal vistas,

delighting in a visit from our lovely friend Kari, whom we first met years back in Nicaragua.

making new and fabulous (Australian) friends, Wally and Mike who are a constant source of delight,

meeting and making friends the lovely Tess, fellow South African, in Sri Lanka for a year,
June was about…

celebrating the arrival of baby Jaia into the world…We spent a month in Viet Nam together early in Brook’s pregnancy and then travelled together to Sri Lanka. Our friendship began years ago in Nicaragua and we have had sweet reunions in Mumbai, Chicago, Puerto Rico… Sweet little Jaia waving hello, we miss you both,
July was about…

taking advantage of the fact that Sri Lanka has so many national parks where elephants roam free,

absorbing and appreciating the serenity of nature around us, in our little jungle nest,

getting unexpected surprises… such as a cow munching my basil leaves right in our garden,

loving our outdoor shower accompanied by birdsongs, sunlight and sometimes monkeys in the trees overhead,

cooking with our friend Bandu,

introducing Sri Lankan curries into our kitchen with Nilu.
August was about..
visiting the family for the second time in 2017, starting with the Los Angeles contingent. Ben and his mom, Jacqueline (aka Madame Bell),

celebrating Ezra’s engagement to Jessica, in L.A.,

visiting Josh and Ana in their lovely forest setting new home in Grass Valley California,

discovering Nevada City with Josh and Ana,

meeting Ana’s parents, Salvador and Claudia, made the trip extra special,

sharing an easy warm connection with Claudia, Ana’s lovely mom,

relishing time with Peta’s mom and dad in Chicago,

enjoying family get togethers with Peta’s sister Dina and her fiance Mike,

proudly watching Adam’s business blossom ~ at the farmers market, where he sells his organic micro greens and incorporates them into delicious grain and salad bowls, in addition to selling greens directly to top restaurants in Chicago.

loving every moment with my sons, Oren and Adam,
September was about…

celebrating Rosh Hashana (Jewish new year) with Peta’s parents and her 3 sons all together ( a rare event),

chilling with Josh and Adam

chilling on a rooftop in Chicago with my sis Dina,

surprising visit with Lois & Chris from Cincinnati, good friends over many decades, with Amanda their daughter from Costa Rica, so much fun, (Chicago)
October was about…

eating an obscene amount of croissants in Paris, where we are visiting Peta’s niece, Shani,

stopping in Paris en route back to Sri Lanka, to check in on Shani (who is on a semester abroad)

picnicking in Paris ~ always a treat… (and introducing Shani to various types of French cheeses),

revisiting Monet’s spectacular waterlilies at the Musee De L’Orangerie, near the Tuilleries,
November was about…

raining, raining and more rain.. monsoon season in Sri Lanka. Getting caught in a rain storm,

walking to temples in our neighborhood,

welcoming Andrea to Sri Lanka ~ we all met a few years back, while standing in line at Madrid airport, and invited Andrea to join us for a few days at our home exchange in Marrakech, and a friendship began.
December was about…

delighting in the visit from the first of our family to Sri Lanka ~ Oren and his fiance Jess

climbing the hundreds of stairs to see the Buddhist caves on the Southern coast

driving in a jeep on safari in Yala, the largest most famous national park in Sri Lanka. And remarkably, we actually saw a leopard,

bringing in the new year with warmth, love and good vibes to everyone for 2018 xoxo

catching stilt fishermen at sunset in classic Sri Lankan style,
A very special thanks to all of you who read our blog, Green Global Trek and who follow our adventures. To those of you who have delighted us all year long, with your comments and feedback, an extra hug of thanks and our sincere appreciation!
Ben & Peta
What a rich and wonderfully full life you live. Best wishes for continued good health and happiness.
Suzanne, that is our goal.. to lead a rich and full life ~ We are not rich in the financial sense, but we make up for it in experiential wealth. Thank you for your good wishes, to you too as well.
Peta & Ben
Oh my gosh Peta, what a beautiful overview of your 2017! It sounds & looks like you had an incredible year filled with wonderful moments spent in solitude & with family & friends from all over the world. Wishing you & Ben continued health & fun adventures in 2018.
How is Bandu’s family doing?
Thanks Lynn, glad you enjoyed our review of 2017. We did have an incredible year, which also had its more challenging times, however, we choose to focus on the positive here and in general. Thanks for your good wishes for 2018, and to you and your family as well.
Band’s family is emerging out of the intense grief and doing their best to adjust to life without Bandu. The shock obviously was huge for everyone and it took some time just to believe that Bandu was gone. We hope to do an update on the family soon. We are working on a number of initiatives to help the family.
Peta & Ben
What a fabulous year! Best wishes for 2018.
Thanks Anabel, and as well, for reading us and commenting over the year. Best wishes to you too for the upcoming year!
Amazing family, friends and adventures! You are having a great time.
Thank you Debbie! We were pleased that we got to see all the close family members and are grateful that all our family members recognize and support our life choice to continue to be on our Green Global Trek. Of course, we lose something but not being geographically close to our children and parents, but we strive to be there when there are key milestones in their lives and to weave quality time with them without sacrificing our own thirst for adventure.
Peta & Ben
You had a wonderful year and I wish you a fabulous year ahead! A perfect retrospect. I look forward to your posts in 2018! Hugs from Spain.
Gracias Darlene. 2018 was not without its share of difficult times, but that is life! It is only January 3rd and we are bubbling with excitement about a number of globe trotting adventures coming our way in 2018. Thank you for reading us and your lovely comments and feedback throughout the year. Much appreciated.
Peta & Ben
You’ve seen much beauty and culture in our wonderful world, and I can truly say I’m envious!
The places you’ve seen are some of the off-the-beaten-path ones that I may never set foot on, so reading your blog helps me travel vicariously!
Thanks for traveling, for posting, and for letting us see the world through your eyes. Happy New Year!
Russia thank you for your lovely comments. We do try to go off the beaten path as much as possible as usually those are the most rewarding experiences for us. It gives us great satisfaction when we read comments such as yours because as you know, writing a blog is an investment in time and effort and while we benefit by having an online journal, knowing that others travel vicariously and are inspired, is meaningful to us.
Happy new year to both of you and thank you for reading and commenting throughout the year.
Peta & Ben
Wow, you packed a lot into one year.
It is funny Peggy, because when we started writing this retrospective we both reflected that we had not done that much interesting travel this year. And yet, as we wrote it, we saw a picture of the year come together that made us realize how very full a year it was, albeit not in our usual nomadic travel mode.
Peta & Ben
I’m happy for you that you got to spend so much family time in 2017. It’s nice to read about your sons. I always love reading (with a tad of envy) about your interesting travels and lovely home in Sri Lanka.
Happy New Year—I wish you both health, happiness and continued adventure!
Caroline, since our normal blogging predominantly emphasizes the nomadic empty nester lifestyle, this was a good opportunity to share the full nester version of our lives. We both love spending as much time as possible with each and every one of the four boys. They are truly amazing human beings whose company we fully enjoy! All four are crafting lives based on their passions and that in and of itself is the greatest reward for years of parenting.
Thanks for reading us and for your frequent comments throughout the year. Much appreciated by us both.
Peta & Ben
Congratulations on a year well-spent and traveled!
Thanks Patti.
Peta & Ben
What an amazing year you two have had! That it also included several visits with your family – and witnessing the success of your sons – made it even better!
I hope 2018 holds for you more great adventures and beautiful sunsets.
Also, seeing those pictures of Bandu and his wife made me wonder how his family is doing.
It really was an amazing year Janis and putting into a blog post serves to capture the positive highlights. There were as you know, some more challenging times, but we chose to focus on the positive.
The visits with our sons and the fact that all four of them are following their passion in life, gives us a lot of satisfaction.
Band’s family is adjusting to life without him and are slowly getting over the shock of his tragic death. We will do an update soon to let everyone know how they are. Thank you for asking.
Hope 2018 is a really good one for you and yours as well.
Peta & Ben
Sounds like a fabulous year. Wishing you both all the best for 2018!
Thanks Alison, overall it was a very good year. Wishing you two the best for 2018 as well. Thanks for reading us and commenting throughout the year.
Peta & Ben
Jeesh…you did a lot in 2017!!! I missed a lot as I’ve been taking a sabbatical from blogsville, but I’m back (I think) and I soooo missed your stuff. Love your house, and bath. Love the croissant. That baby is VERY aware for being so young, eh?
Baddish, welcome back! I have missed you too. Thanks for the lovely comments on the house. Ahhh yes the croissant, and the bread and the pastries….Not so great for the figure but oh man.
That baby, well, she is somethings special. A little ray of light is Jaia. Can’t wait to share that photo of her when she is 18. Ben says “already waving at the crowds, maybe she will be a politician.”
So nice to read your comments once again.
keep on trekkin’…
that’s the plan…
What a wonderful overview and photos! So many smiling faces, so many connections, so many beautiful experiences. 2017 seemed to have been a year of being with friends and family, celebrating life. May 2018 bring you as much happiness, curiosity, success and love, Peta and Ben!
Thans Liesbet, 2017 was indeed a very full year. We had the unusual gift of being able to visit with our family not once, but twice. A lot of travel to get there, but absolutely worth it. Thanks for your good wishes and for reading us and commenting so frequently throughout the year. We wish you the same ~ may 2018 be filled with good things!
Peta & Ben
Wow what a wonder 2017 in review! Happy 2018!
We are privileged to have the opportunity to travel around different places in 2017, and look forward to more good things this year!
Thanks Mel and Susan. Yes, it is definitely a privilege to be able to live globally. A privilege we are grateful for and take maximum advantage of to discover as much of the world as we can. Wishing you both a glorious 2018. Thanks for reading Green Global Trek and taking time to leave your feedback.
Peta & Ben
Oh my. I’m awed, exhausted, exhilarated, and yes, a bit envious, in reading through your year in review. GLORIOUS. I’m not sure how you balance all of your beautiful family – sons and their partners, parents, friends – and your international traveling and living in your ‘base home’ of Sri Lanka. Again, awed and impressed. Thank you for sharing your family photos. What love and joy within you all.
I wonder if your sons read your blog? Interestingly, neither of my two ‘kids’ (37 an 35) read mine. They prefer my role as their mom, as their kids’ grandmother, and are uncomfortable with my writing/novelist/blogging self. Quite interesting.
Happy New Year to your both. Your blog has opened my eyes to parts of the world I knew nothing about. THANK YOU.
“awed, exhausted and exhilarated” is pretty much how we feel most of the time As you have noticed from our blog posts, we tend to err on the side of “packing it in”.. while at the same time making sure we have quality down time. Funny thing is, this blog does not cover a whole OTHER slew of stuff, that pertains to Ben’s professional life… Talk about exhausting and exhilarating!! He has at all times a long back log of projects and things going on in parallel that require time, attention, energy and focus.
Balancing family we seem to have managed quite well this year. Of course, because we are blessed with a lot of family, it definitely takes time and effort as they live in different parts of the U.S. Our sons are not demanding of constant presence and one of the joys of visiting is the feeling of our visits being a special time to connect because we are NOT there all the time.
Our sons intermittently read us… not often and not consistently, just occasionally. Sometimes we discover that they have missed a chunk of our lives, but they do all follow us on Facebook and Instagram which is a quicker, easier way for them to see where we are and what we are up to. We are very fortunate that, just as we consciously shifted gears to thinking of them as adults, not children, so have they transitioned to thinking of us as people, not just parents. That said, they are not THAT interested as to read every post we write!! haha.
Happy new year to you too Pamela. Thank you for reading us and for your thoughtful, interesting comments throughout the year. We have not met, but it feels as though we have a connection. Perhaps our paths will cross.
Peta (& Ben)
Such a vibrant and eventful year. May your 2018 be filled with love, laughter and many new discoveries.
Thanks so much J.D. May your 2018 be filled with everything good that you wish for yourself… Thanks for reading us throughout the year and commenting.
It was a great year for family, Peta. 🙂 Wishing you many happy days in 2018.
Yes indeed. 2017 was chockfull of family and lucky for us we just had one of our sons visit.. the first family member to make the long haul from the U.S. to Sri Lanka.
Happy 2018 to you too and thanks for reading us throughout the year and commenting.
Peta & Ben
What a lovely family you have! Happy New Year to you! Wishing you many happy, healthy adventures in 2018.
Thanks Kelly! Happy New Year to you too! Thanks for reading us and commenting throughout the year.
Peta & Ben
You two lead such rich, fulfilling lives. Here’s to a year of love, laughter, and joy. Happy New Year!
LuAnn we do our best to do exactly that 🙂
Wishing you too a year of love, laughter and joy.
Thanks for reading Green Global Trek and commenting on our posts throughout 2017!
Peta & Ben
If you can handle the many thousands of miles between you and your sons, I can certainly deal with my hundreds!
Your adventures were all wonderful, but the warmth and love that shine through in all the people photos – boys and extended family and friends – are what I really relished in this post. Very happy and warm new year wishes to you both, Peta and Ben!
Sometimes the many thousands of miles between us is challenging for me (Peta) and I certainly miss my sons a lot. Last year it was definitely very special to be able to see them more than once in a year and as well our parents.
So glad you enjoyed all our family photos… as Ben was concerned that not many people would be too interested in our personal family photos, but in the end we wanted to have our own record of these beautiful times together with family. And then still, it was hard to downscale and select which photos to post 🙂
Very happy new year to you too Lex ~ hope it is full of love and joy and goodness. Thank you for reading us and commenting throughout the year.
Peta & Ben
Thank you for sharing so many special days and nights with me! Your friendship means the world to me! I love you both dearly and can’t wait for our paths to cross again soon ❤️❤️❤️Miss u always! Namaste Tes
Aw Tes, we love you too… we almost made it to Africa, but we are going to postpone until next year! So much fun in Sri Lanka and look forward to more time with you, wherever on the globe we may next meet. Much love xoxo
Peta & Ben
Love all the photos, friends. It was a treat to see you twice this year, and now we are actually engaged to be family, so it really was a momentous year. Thanks for the review. ❤️❤️❤️
Hahaha, that is very true. But then again, you always felt like family to me!!
Glad you enjoyed the review and as always, great to hang with you and Aaron. Much love to you both xoxox
Peta & Ben
Gorgeous places and beautiful photos. It was a great joy to see them. No snow photos!
Thanks Sartenada. So glad you enjoyed the photos. No snow… unfortunately, as we both love snow, but not the winters. After years of living in Chicago with six months of cold, we are hopefully done with winter!
I made it on my favorite blog!!! It was incredible staying with you both 🙂
hahaha, you did indeed. For the second time too!!! It was great to have you visit and we enjoyed meeting your sister as well. xoxox
Peta & Ben
Photos is a nice way to sum up the year – lots of warm memories I see. Sounds like a nicely balanced year of travel and family.
All the best in 2018!
Frank (bbqboy)
It felt more family than travel.. Of course we had to travel to get there, but to us it was way less than the norm of the past decade. It was nice to have down time in one country much the same as you guys in Croatia, but I do have a yearning to be “on the road” again. We will see what 2018 brings! All the best to you both, as well.
cute pics!
Thanks Ez!
Pingback: Roaming About in 2017 – Our Year in Review – Roaming About
The most important achievements of your year: Spreading love, goodwill, and environmentally protective commercial production all over the world.
It’s so evident that you live the words you write, and from your photos, take such great joy in all you do while leaving a huge but gentle footprint showing others the way forward. You two are bright heralds in a sometimes dark world. The best 2018 wished for you and all your family.
Shari thank you for these kind words. We do try to “walk the talk”… of good environmental practices, whenever we can. If as Buddhism instructs “everything is ephemeral” then it follows that the dark times we are currently going through politically, will be temporary as well.
Thanks for reading us and commenting throughout the year and a wonderful 2018 to you and yours as well.
Peta & Ben
What an extraordinary year you’ve had! This was a wonderful post, filled with not only your exotic travels, but also such sweet, personal memories of your time with family and friends. The love shines through in your photos.
As much as I am delighted by the adventures Eric and I are having, there’s a part of me that would like to be experiencing the adventures you’re having. Since it’s not possible (as far as I know ;-)) to live more than one life at a time, I’m grateful that you’re sharing your lives with us through your blog. Wishing you a joyful year of many more soul-nurturing adventures!
Thanks Laurel! So glad that the love “shines through” as we really do cherish the times we have with each of our children and parents and siblings.
It’s funny you write that about wanting to experience the adventures we are having, as I have often said to Ben when we read your posts, that if we were living in the U.S. then your life is the one I would want! Maybe one day we will get to some of those cool hikes and adventurous trips you take.
Wishing both of you a wonderful and adventurous 2018. Thanks for reading us and commenting throughout the year!
Peta & Ben
Dim sum and reflexology in Hong Kong? We are indeed ‘kindred spirits!’ I greatly enjoyed your year end review. Your warm descriptions and gorgeous, candid photos made me feel like I was there right beside you. Thank you for sharing your very rich and inspiring year.
Ha ha… two of our favorite things ever! Dim sum and reflexology. Being so close to Hong Kong, we have been making a point of stopping through there on our way to the U.S. whenever possible.
Thanks for the compliment on the photos.. and for reading us and leaving your feedback. Happy 2018.
Peta & Ben
What a wonderful year you’ve had with all those smiles and miles. I’ve enjoyed traveling with you virtually and look forward to meeting you in person in 2018 schedules and health permitting. Was saddened to see Bandu full of life under the July heading knowing the sad fate that befell him…but I guess we can only celebrate his life and the times that you had together. Wishing you much love, laughter, and light in 2018.
“smiles and miles”… man, does that capture it all! 🙂 Overall it really was a wonderful year.
We look forward to meeting both of you as well and hope your sailboat gets to Trincomale safe and sound. Thanks Lisa for the good wishes and to you too… much love, laughter and light for 2018. Good ones.
Peta & Ben
–So many adjectives for the beauty & gorgeousness of your adventures, perspectives on life, & stunning photos.
How wonderful you could be w/ your boys, family, friends!
This is pure JOY)))
Thank you for documenting this journey w/ us and sharing your life on these pages.
xx from MN.
Kim, the time with our family was wonderful… we were lucky to be able to visit twice in one year. Thank you for reading us and for commenting throughout the year. Much love for 2018 to you.
Another amazing year full of travel, adventures and inspiration for us to read around the world, Peta & Ben! Happy New Year and wishing you another year full of health and exciting opportunities!
Maya!!!! SO good to read you. Thanks, and to you too, hope 2018 is happy and healthy and full of good things. We are WAY overdue for a reunion with you! Much love your way….
Peta & Ben
It sounded like quite a year of travel for you, Peta and Ben. So many happy faces and connections wherever you went. Nothing like a rare family gathering – not just always good food but the company is priceless. Nothing like spending time with family, friends, fellow like-minded people like travellers in your case and knowing they just get you and won’t hesitate to come hang with your or help you out. It is always a special time these times. As many of the others said, it sounds like the two of you did pack in and made the most of your time – and these kinds of travels do take a lot of planning, so my hat’s off to both of you for that 🙂
Such a cute photo of the baby, and love that Ben thinks she will be a politician in the future 😀
Happy New Year to the both of you. Wishing you well for 2018 and safe and happy travels. Keep doing what you love doing 🙂
Thank you Mabel for your good wishes and your lovely comments. Our family are rather spread out geographically, so just seeing them all constitutes a good amount of travel. Highly worth it though and hopefully we will get back in 2018 for another nice visit.
Hahah, that is one of the cutest babies ever. She radiates light and joy from her pores.
Wishing you too a wonderful 2018 and everything of the best. Thanks for reading us and for commenting throughout the year.
Congratulations, Peta and Ben, on a year fully lived and a world fully explored. You are blessed with so many loving hearts in your lives, and so many beautiful places you have seen. My best to you for another new year of love and life and health.
Thanks Jet for the compliments. “World fully explored”? Not nearly close to fully explored, we have such a “bucket list” full of places to see. We look forward to hopefully dipping into the bucket for 2018. Time will tell. Our best to you as well for a wonderful year of love, life and health and a return to your land.
Peta & Ben
What an extraordinary, diverse and beautiful year. Lovely to hear more about your sons and their partners too. We send very best wishes for 2018 and must tell you that you continue to inspire us. Explore on!
Thanks Sue… Glad you enjoyed the family part. This is where the blog really serves us well as a diary to look back. But if others enjoy the ride as well, well that is great. Best wishes for you too for 2018 and very happy to know that we provide inspiration. Have an amazing adventure biking in Asia!
Peta & Ben
Just getting around to visiting your blog and you brought a bit of delight into my life! What an incredibly beautiful family you and Ben have. You are blessed. May 2018 continued to be filled with love for you and yours.
Judith thank you for the lovely note. Happy to have brought some delight. We are definitely blessed and enormously grateful for our family relationships. Hope 2018 is wonderful and full of love, for you as well.
Peta & Ben
I loved going through your recap of 2017, Peta and Ben and found it fun to see how your love for family along with old and new friends was woven through many fabulous destinations, Here’s to a 2018 filled with many more family and friends moments, time spent in your beautiful home, and more adventures exploring new destinations. P.S. I have to confess that I have more than a twinge of ‘shower envy’ every time I see a pic of your marvelous outdoor bath!
Thanks Anita for your lovely comments on our review of 2017. So glad you enjoyed it! Once we had decided to prioritize family trips we had to of course incorporate a few stops along the way! Thanks for the wishes for 2018 ~ may it be an excellent year of adventure and good times for you both as well.
Still lovin the outdoor bathroom, but in particular strangely enpugh…the shower! Come and visit!
What a fantastic year you’ve had! Still really loving the way you two built up that very sweet and relaxing outdoor shower space. I can’t wait to visit Sri Lanka and especially Yala National Park at some point.
What fruit is your friend Kari holding up in the photo?
Ah yes the outdoor shower really is our little paradise. It will be hard one day when we live elsewhere to shower indoors.
There are many many national parks in Sri Lanka. Yala is the largest, but no matter where you travel there are parks nearby.
Kari is holding up the amazing jackfruit from one of our trees. Largest fruit that grows on trees!
Wow what an incredible year you had! And four sons! How lovely! Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful year. Happy 2018.
Nicole thanks for stopping by to take a look at our year in review. We are blessed with 4 sons ~ all incredible human beings, with whom we love to spend time. Happy and wonderful 2018 to you too.
Wishing you a wonderful 2018, filled with lots of new lovely memories and encounters!
Thanks Ingrid. Thanks for stopping by to read us and comment and same to you for 2018!
Wow! You definitely had an awesome year full of excellent adventures, Peta and Ben! I wish you an even better 2018! 😉
Thank you Agness. Actually 2017 while mostly wonderful, was less travel than we have grown accustomed to with our nomadic lifestyle. 2018 is shaping up well, with our first travel adventure starting in a week. Stay tuned…
what a fantastic year,exotic trips and family & friends reunions:)
2017 was for the most part an excellent year indeed. Thanks for checking out our year in review!