A stay at Kikili Beach ~ Unawatuna, Sri Lanka

We’re back in Sri Lanka, for work, making this our third visit, and we are taking the opportunity for a weekend escapade in the Galle region in the South.

Our destination: Unawatuna.

After a week in the bustling capital city of Colombo, we are eager to get to the ocean for a few days. We have been to this part of Sri Lanka before, but of course, it is only with repeated visits that one really gets to peel back the layers of discovery.

Peta’s mission  is to find a romantic getaway, preferably close to the beach.

I (Ben) am soon to discover “mission accomplished” and then some……

We take the bus from Colombo to the bus terminal in Galle and from there we jump onto a tuk tuk  for a ten minute drive, with directions in hand, to find our spot for the weekend.

Peta informs me we will be staying at Kikili Beach, a boutique “hotel” in Unawatuna; But in fact, when we arrive, we discover that Kikili Beach is actually a charming one bedroom bungalow by the sea, for two!

Joy oh joy! We have the place to ourselves and WHAT a place it is!…

Romantic and enchanting are apt adjectives for a place we both totally fall in love with.

The combination of the location, (Literally, there is a gate from the garden, from which you step onto the sand and into the Indian ocean)  and the colorful corners at every turn, with numerous options of places to  chill and “hang out.”

Bright and cheerful seating areas all around to languor the minutes and hours of the day.


Fresh coconut water upon arrival is a nice touch of hospitality.


The dining area and sitting area outdoors: Rustic sienna tile underfoot, wooden poles and ceramic roof tiles.


Making ourselves at home. Surrounded by bright colors and a charming mix of Sri Lankan textiles.


A gate in the garden, onto and into the ocean!


Location, location location. Doesn’t get much better than this!


Kikili Beach property backs onto the beach in Unawatuna. At this time of the year the ocean is on the rough side, shrinking the beach to a narrow strip of  soft golden sand.




Stripes of color brighten up a comfy sitting area facing the garden. I enjoy wearing the Sri Lankan sarong, which I have grown accustomed to.


Inviting chaise lounges in front of a large swing to the right.


Swinging the time away…





Pool with the ocean behind. Blues of the water and sky contrast with the reds and oranges of the bright fabrics and furniture of the house.


Bungalow, pool, garden, gazebo and ocean. Perfect.


A gazebo type structure with wooden floor is a place to lounge and read and also doubles as a perfect spot to do yoga.


Peta’s colors match the colors of all the decor around me… A Sri Lankan color palette, I guess.



Absolutely best feature for us ~ Open the gate from the garden, down two steps and into the ocean. We spent a fair amount of time sitting on these steps. A few times we actually got drenched by waves which surprised us with their ferocity.


One of the benefits of being literally right on the beach is that we become very aware of the  changing light and tide at different times of the day.




The poles sticking out of the water, are fishermen poles ~ At certain times of the year fishermen can be seen balancing on them in the hopes of bringing in a good days catch.



Kumara  is a wonderful, warm and friendly host and cook.  He is very knowledgeable about the area and generous with his time. (He and Peta did not pre co ordinate their outfits!)


Kumara offers to make us one of his many culinary favorites, a coconut flan.  Here it is coming right out of the oven. Oh yes! We will have to wait for dinner though. It is going to be topped with a passion fruit sauce. After tasting his mom’s coconut breakfast rolled up pancakes, we are looking forward to tasting this flan.

IMG_6114Night time at Kikili is super romantic. The table is set and the aroma of dinner is in the air. We feel spoilt having this all to ourselves and luxuriating in the space and pampering.


Ah and here is dinner prepared especially for us at the house by Kumara ~ Sri Lankan fish curry, crispy papadam, mango chutney, veggie curries and rice. Absolutely delicious!


Here is that piece of flan we have been waiting for! Adorned with its passion fruit sauce.


The quiet and dark night is all around us…. Just the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. Looking back at the glow of the house, from the end of the garden.

Waking up in our colorful nest at the beach, we face the dilemma of chilling at the house or taking a peek at what’s around us.


Sumara has his own tuk tuk and is happy to take us wherever we want to go.


“I’ll take you there” is all we need to hear ~ off we go…


This is the kind of sign we like to see!  We are off to find the yoga shala….

Kumara takes us on a short drive to the yoga retreat center, which is nestled in the forest.  Superlatively gorgeous!  Sri Yoga Shala  is the most beautiful yoga studio we have ever been to. And we have been to many!


This is the yoga center. It looks and feels more like a luxurious hotel in Bali. Yup that’s a huge swimming pool.


A beautiful newly built infinity salt pool beckons us… Yoga followed by a swim. Now that’s a great concept.


The teacher is warming up before class. Seeing as its slow season, we are the only ones in the huge yoga shala. Looks like we are going to have a private class for two.


IMG_6068What a fantastic setting to do yoga in. Open air, surrounded by forest, wooden floors… fresh air.

So now we know that there is a superb yoga studio in Unawatuna.  What could possibly be added to complete the perfect weekend getaway location.  How about a restaurant with fresh and creative food, overlooking the waves?

On cue: Kikili Beach’s ever resourceful Kumara suggests we try the nearby Wijaya Beach restaurant. Delicious fish and fresh exotic fruit juices!  Fabulous view. Toes in the sand…




“You know,” says Ben, “this is actually not that far from Colombo where my work takes me ~ a mere 90 minute bus ride away… should we ever move to Sri Lanka…” (Famous last words)


Sri Lanka has a tendency to bright colors, whether on sarongs or walls.


IMG_6038As we prepare to leave Kikili Beach, we pause at one of the Buddha shrines in the garden, thinking… We will be back.


A BIG thank you to Kikili Beach for hosting us!



                                        We welcome your comments and feedback!

48 thoughts on “A stay at Kikili Beach ~ Unawatuna, Sri Lanka

  1. Nicole

    This looks like true Paradise!!!! Wow!!! Great honeymoon location!!
    Can you add a link with booking availability and cost and etc?

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      It certainly was paradise for us. Some people like really big resorts with lots of offerings, but we are more the “high on privacy” the fewer the people, the better. Always looking for places with charm and authenticity.
      Kikili Beach is VERY popular as a honeymoon destination and constantly booked in high season.

      Thanks for the suggestion, oops, we forgot to provide the link to their website. Coming soon!


  2. lexklein

    Sold! I don’t know when I might find myself in Sri Lanka, but this place will stay on some kind of mental list until then. I felt like I was on vacation just reading it.

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      It is quite interesting how many really cool places there are to stay on or near the coast in Sri Lanka. It is just a matter of discovering them and boy, are we ever enjoying the process! Hope you do make it to Sri Lanka as it is a very special place.


    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      I know, right…?!

      How freakin brilliant is my boyfriend getting work in Sri Lanka. Stay tuned…

      Best gateway ever. It was just SO easy to step out the gate and onto the beach.


  3. carolinehelbig

    This looks absolutely stunning. I love the gate to the beach. And a cook, yoga & swim…I’m not sure it gets any better than this. Peta you have such a wonderful wardrobe that fits the environment perfectly. I’m envious!

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      I know! We were blown away by the combination of goodies that came our way. Must be good karma!

      We travel very light, just teo small bags each, as we like to take advantage of local fabrics and design. Sri Lanka we discover, has wonderful colorful textiles which are a central part of the culture and reflected everywhere. Ben has wuite a lovely collection of colorful sarongs now.


        1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

          Thanks Caroline..

          I think that Ben is having a hard time adjusting to pants and jeans in the U.S. as this weekend, he actually wore one of his beautiful colorful Sri Lankan sarongs, in our neighborhood in Chicago. Watch the blog for a post on this topic soon… we got quite a variety of responses here, from “not blinking an eyelid” even though we live in the Midwest, we are in quite a hip and alternative neighborhood, to some very funny comments, which we are both still chuckling over.


    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      It is for work, as our approach to life since we launched out Green Global Trek, is to decide where we want to live and then build a revenue model around that. Having a creative and entrepeneurial boyfriend, has certainly got benefits.


  4. Stan

    So beautiful – stunning colors everywhere, including your outfits, of course!!!
    Seems like ‘good’ stuff always finds you!!! Great attitudes always, I love reading your blogs!!

  5. Bun Karyudo

    You’re right about the amazing location. A two-step walk down to the beach is the best anyone could ever ask for. (I suppose someone could ask for a one-step or a no-step walk to the beach, but that might be pushing it.) 🙂

  6. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

    Erasmo M:

    I am convinced that when I grow up, I want to be like you and Ben.

    My fav romantic line: Peta informs me we will be staying at Kikili Beach, a boutique “hotel” in Unawatuna; But in fact, when we arrive, we discover that Kikili Beach is actually a charming one bedroom bungalow by the sea, for two!

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Kikili Beach was definitely one of the most romantic places we have stayed in on our Green Global Trek. It’s no surprise that it is most often booked by couples on their honeymoon.


    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Something very evocative about a small gate that opens onto the sea. The image has such enduring qualities ~ a world of possibilities lie beyond a secret gateway.

      When we built our house in Granada, Nicaragua, we built a narrow secret staircase with an arched gate… it had a similar feel, of a surprise passage way…what will be at the other end? In this case, a small rooftop terrace with kickass views of the stars at night.


  7. Robyn Quint

    I continue to live vicariously through you guys! I now have a new destination on my bucket list. Keep the travelling blogs coming.

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Happy to be the providers of arm chair thrills 🙂

      Sri Lanka is a fitting candidate for anyones bucket list. If you look at our archives ( on the right hand side) click on “Sri Lanka” for many other posts which may be of interest to you.


  8. Bea

    Love it to read about your intense experiences in sri lanka! Hopefully ben’s last words become reality? Hugs

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Thanks Bea.
      Yes! Here’s to manifestating positive futures…
      Such serendipity meeting you. Such a pleasure!


  9. GreenGlobalTrek Post author


    So amazing to stay in a place like that, you guys look in heaven!
    Lots of love to you both.
    Sal and yos

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Oh yes. We definitely were. Very hard to leave!
      Thanks Sal, to you and Yos as well…
      Huge hugs

  10. lisadorenfest

    Sri Lanka is high on the bucket list and I think I want to experience it just the way you all did in this post. Looks incredibly relaxing and the colors are marvelous!

  11. Julie@frogpondfarm

    What a place to go on a holiday! And that gate with the sea just behind. Oh my .. heaven. I adore yoga too and to think you had the tutor to yourselves .. This must go on my ‘I want to go there’ list! Wonderful post 😀

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Thanks Julie. I hope you get to visit Sri Lanka, as beyond this fab beach location, there is just SO much to see and to do. It is truly a culturally rich country with a multitude of destinations. Whether one is attracted by the UNESCO sites of which there are many, or the wild elephants in the reserves, or the surfing or the culture, there is much to experience and explore on this beautiful island.

      If you are interested to read more about Sri Lanka, please do check our archives under countries, as there are numerous posts we have written, about 20 I think, covering a variety of topics, such as history, culture, wildlife and beaches.


  12. My Inner Chick

    **The quiet and dark night is all around us…. Just the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. Looking back at the glow of the house, from the end of the garden.**

    I believe you may be living in heaven, darlings. WOW.

    Exquisite photos. Smashing colors. Delectable food.

    Peta, I loved your comment on my blog. Thank you!

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      So many little bits of heaven sprinkled around the world, so little time.

      ~ We do our best!

      Thanks for your lovely comments!


  13. brook skillman

    You two never cease to amaze me with your “scores” of luxury while traveling. Thank you for all the beautiful photos and, let’s just say, you just look right in Asia…

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Gotta SCORE some luxury every now and again and keep things balanced.

      Glad you enjoyed the photos. Yup, Asia agrees with us! 🙂


    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Thanks, glad you enjoyed the post. I was ready to move in forever, and never leave it was so terrific.


    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      The stretch of beaches around Sri Lanka particularly Southern and Eastern are gorgeous. Lovely soft sand, palm trees, clear turqouise waters.

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Thanks Stephanae.

      We so loved the area that when we relocate to Sri Lanka in November, that is the area we plan to live in. So the “little slice of heaven” was very formative in helping to shape our future.

      Thanks for the clothing thumbs up! (All locally made).


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