Visit from down under ~ reunion in Hoi an, Viet Nam

This is a tale of a lasting friendship between two South African teen-agers, Peta and Franki…
who once upon a time, in a land far far away…
conspired to enjoy their time together… and occasionally rebel against the authoritatian South African teachers…
By the fate of family histories, an entire lifetime bloomed on two continents — Peta moved to the Americas, while the Franki went to Australia
But, fast forward — ahem –  several decades, and Hoi An delivers an unexpected gift: an opportunity for the two teen age girls to reconnect (thank you Facebook!)
And BAM! they meet in Hoian – wait, there is … a third South African woman thrown into the mix
South African DNA strand
A Parisian cafe like Vietnamese coffee shop provided the backdrop for story telling
A long and twisted narrative of lifes, still fundamentally aligned
A ride on their mechanical steeds.
Adventuresses both…
Catching up on several decades requires processes time… “you WHAT…?”
But beyond the little details of geography, friendship remains vibrant
A boat yard provided more visual stimuli for the creative, color-loving friends
A goofy fellow he is, but still, cute no?
There was mucho animal loving compatibility…
The Australian kid wanted outdoor “action!”
The Americas’ kid had a more “chill” approach to boat travel
Bamboo round boats — adventure on tap
Does she seem to be enjoying herself? I’d say this reunion is a huge hit…
Relaxing… almost talked out?
No wait, one more round… they love that street food, but a last dessert requires a classy interior…
Hoi An, high end…
finger licking good…
Yes, a good reunion it was indeed…

2 thoughts on “Visit from down under ~ reunion in Hoi an, Viet Nam

  1. Franki

    This was a teenage friendship that was never forgotten. A bond far too strong to be distanced through years of separation and by many continents and seas. We always were just two great pals – sharing the carefree days, fun, laughter and tears that teenagehood brings. The wonderful memories of our youth never left my heart darling friend and I know with all my heart,
    that we will always treasure our indescribable bond, no matter how many miles separate us and no matter how many more years pass us by. Thank you lovely Ben for sharing your Peta with me.

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Franki, this is so beautifully written. I could not say it better than this. Thank you for joining us and creating this amazing opportunity for us to reunite after so many years apart! Great memories…old and new! Love you much! xoxo

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