Adventures off the beaten path ~ Hoi An, Viet Nam ~ Dry fish and bamboo boats

Finding workshops or production facilities is one of the great adventures to be had in a developing country. Seeing people doing their day jobs, watching the craft come together is a visual delight.
Our day trip from Hoi An leads us to the discovery of two distinct product lines: Dried fish “paper” on a grand scale and bamboo circular boats being made by one artisan.
First the fish …..
Abstract art of the edible type.
A worker enjoys the ipad attention and visit to her workplace.
Working in teams of two for highest productivity.
Tables of workers fill the large weather beaten warehouse
The shift supervisor taking a rest.
A young woman fills the black rectangular templates with small pieces of wet fresh fish.
A thin film of plastic is underneath the template and allows the transfer of the fish, onto the drying net.
Young and older workers continue this fish drying tradition.

Then the circular bamboo fisherman boats….  These round boats are a unique design found in this region.

The frame of the boat is bent bamboo.
A finished boat stands against a tree drying in the sun. – the bamboo frame remains visible.
There are various ways to “outfit” one’s boat.  Most choose to have a layer of bamboo and several compartments with a bench to sit on.
The under-side of the boat requires maintenance in the form of a coat of a maritime oil/paint  This is the before picture.
Post recoating the boat is “as new” and ready to return to water.
Bringing the boat in and out of water has evolved into a communal effort.  Those who happen to walk by as the fisherman goes in or out volunteer to help him move his heavy boat.
Differently outfitted boats
Fishing nets

2 thoughts on “Adventures off the beaten path ~ Hoi An, Viet Nam ~ Dry fish and bamboo boats

  1. Ezra

    Are the fish skins from the first half of the photos the same stuff that’s going onto the outer frame of the boat?

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Um nope! The first is food, the second is a protective layer of varnish on the bamboo boats

      Thanks for your question.

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