Every outing yields a surprise “off the beaten path”

With our new bike, we intend to explore the area impulsively.  No tours or pre-determined destination.

So off we go…

3mn from our house, on way to the beach, we always pass a beautiful stretch of river…
Geometric, organic paintings jump out of the landscape – small islands with circular ring fencing for fishing.
OK, this time, we get off the road and see what’s off the beaten path…
A variant on the round, bamboo boats,  these are oval, much larger vessels, also bamboo hull

Looking forward to visiting the workshop where these boats are hand made.

Rice kernels from the recent harvesting of the rice paddies, drying 

Modern Art?

No, actually, drying fish “cutlets”
We stumble upon a dry fish “factory”.  Here the panels of fresh fish drying under the sun.
Aha!  Panels being delivered.  We go to the source…
Here we find ….rows  of “work benches” with two women at each tray, shaping the fresh fish into oval patties.
This is a very organized process.  Get fish, use “template” of oval cut out to give uniformity  to the fish “patty”.
This is quite an operation.  At least 30 workers, making fish patties.
Much amusement at our interest in the factory process…
Note black “template” which gets “filled in” with fresh fish (in middle)
On the way back home, after the fish factory discovery…

We meet a family sifting through their rice harvest
This process allows for “empty shells”, which are lighter, to drift away

5 thoughts on “Every outing yields a surprise “off the beaten path”

  1. Pingback: Off the beaten path ~ A rural community in Central Vietnam. – Empty Nesters on a Green Global Trek

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Thanks for reading us Pamela and for leaving your feedback. Yes, the attitude is all important if you want to get off the beaten track. So many visitors just stick to the main streets of a city like Hoi An, but the best parts are on the periphery where authenticity is at its highest.

      Peta & Ben

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Thank you Lisa. This was one very memorable day… with both the rice harvest and the workshop for making fish cakes on the way to the beach. We often miss Viet Nam and have gone back a few times, but are ready to head that way again sometime soon!

      Peta & Ben

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