Travel in Viet Nam ~ fly or take the train?

Every source we read said “take the train- it’s an adventure”.

The logic seemed sound – while the “flight” is only 1 hour from Hanoi to Da Nang (in Central Vietnam), by the time you go to the airport 2 hours in advance, go through check in, drive from airport etc… you are looking at a good 4 hours, maybe 5 door to door.  Luggage add on costs to be considered.

The train, in comparison, is reliable (they say), leaves at 7:30 pm,  arrives at 7:30 am, you sleep in a “sleeper car”, save on the cost of a hotel that night, so all in all, all seem to favor the train.

Thus the train we took.

Wasn’t quite as easy….!  Our 4 bunk cabin we shared with a nice French couple.  That part was ok.  Sleeping in the train was fun.

But the train was delayed, and we had our facts wrong. The train that was due to take 12 hours and arrive at 7:30 am, in fact arrived, at 2:30 pm `~ a 19 hour trip! The train ride that never seemed to end….

All aboard, ready to go for a night on the train.
That’s my bed for the night. Options for booking tickets were: 1 hard seat , 2 soft seat, 3 hard bed, or 4, our choice: soft bed ($55 ticket). It was pretty comfy actually.
Always time for some quick backbends. Yoga on the move… you can see the narrow space between the bunks.
It’s morning.. aren’t we arriving soon? Hmmm, it’s lunch time, still not there yet….

Central Vietnam: Da Nang where the train will arrive is  known for its beaches. We got to  see a few of them from the train as it weaved through the thick lush vegetation on the hillside.
And there is Da Nang, you can just see the skyline in the distance.

Some good views from the train as we come to the end of the long trip…..

2 thoughts on “Travel in Viet Nam ~ fly or take the train?

  1. Kris

    Haha.. I know those so called ’12 hour’ train journeys 😉 Had a few experience like yours in thailand. NEVER trust what they tell you 😉

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