A decade of nomadic birthdays

Retrospectives can be fun in that they provide a snap shot of life.

Peta’s recent birthday, on April 1, seems like a good opportunity to trace back a decade of birthdays for a nomadic girl… Rewinding the clock to see where we were living and what we were doing for the past ten years around the time period of Peta’s birthday.

Mapping ten years of birthdays.

April, 2018: Sri Lanka, Weligama

To celebrate another year of life, we jump on our motorbike and go “beach hopping” along the Southern coast of Sri Lanka. We stop at new beaches and swim at a few different spots, before ending the day with a dramatic sunset.

It has been ten years since we have not owned a car. In SE Asia, the best way for us to get around in almost all countries, is the motorscooter. It is easy to drive, easy to stop and go and inexpensive to rent. The Sri Lankan sun, especially at this time of year, is pretty relentless ~ we have learnt from Viet Nam, to cover up for significant distance rides.

Contemplating life, and aging. Hopefully gracefully. I feel privileged to grow older. Many are not afforded the opportunity. A perfect birthday moment, right here on the Southern coast of Sri Lanka. To be present. In the moment. As much as possible. (A core Buddhist insight, which resonates.)

Looking at life from a different perspective unveils all sorts of insights.

Ten years ago I told Ben that I would love to live in different countries as see as much of the world as possible. He has certainly delivered! ~ Colorful wooden fishing boats dot the turquoise Indian Ocean at this Southern tip of the island. Traditional fishing is still very much core to the way of life in Sri Lanka for the vibrant fishermen community.

We stop at a seaside mosque to visit and find the courtyard full of families enjoying the day. Peta is quick to make a connection with these little girls and they are very happy to pose for a photo with her.

A dramatic sunset over fishermen’s stilts, where men sit for hours perched with fishing lines hoping for a catch.

April, 2017: Sri Lanka, Southern Province

By April 2017, we were well entrenched in our lives in Sri Lanka. Enjoying the reasons we chose this neighborhood of Thalpe North. The yoga shala in the jungle with a pool, just five minutes away. Beaches close by and a tranquil life in a natural lush setting, with interesting flora and fauna.


April, 2016: Sri Lanka,  Tissa Lake

Still at an early stage of discovery of what would become our home base in Sri Lanka, (even though we did not know it at this time). Peta’s birthday was an opportunity to explore a beautiful, bird-filled region of Sri Lanka ~ Tissa Lake. At this time we were based in Chicago, having returned to spend some time with family before returning to Asia.


April, 2015: Portugal,  Algarve

Even though we have both travelled fairly extensively in Europe, there remains much to be discovered and Peta’s birthday found us in the Algarve region of Portugal. At the time we were slowly making our way back from our two year nomadic life in Asia to the U.S. ~. Portugal was crisp and gorgeous in Spring time, especially without the hordes of tourists who flock to the warm weather during the summer.  Our mindset around this birthday was that if we were to live in Europe, Portugal would make a tempting home base… Might this be a wink at a future home base?


April, 2014: Viet Nam, Hoi An

As Peta’s 2014 birthday rolled around, we were back in Viet Nam.  We had launched the Asian chapter of our Green Global Trek and Hoi An had made an unforgettable home base a year earlier.  Peta’s humor and direct style meshed perfectly with the personality of our new Vietnamese friends and neighbors.  Hoi An served up not just a world of culinary delights, but a buffet of visual treats.  We returned to Viet Nam, this time meeting our youngest son Adam. Together we motorbiked through Central Viet Nam on the Ho Chi Minh Trail.


April, 2013: Nicaragua, Granada

We lived in Granada, Nicaragua for several years, making it the anchor for our discovery of Latin America. By April 2013 we had immersed ourselves in the community, started a social and environmental impact business and Peta was known as the animal lover who fed street dogs and did paintings of them. Many of her large oil paintings were displayed in hotels and restaurants all over Granada, the sale of which would fund our future travels.



April, 2012: France, Paris

By April 2012, our social impact business ~ CO2 Bambu had reached high visibility, high impact (250 jobs created and over 200 low cost eco bamboo houses built for victims of a devastating hurricane in Nicaragua.) The Prince of Lichtenstein, head of a major European Bank had recently invested in our company and we were in Paris where Ben was a featured speaker at an impact conference. The setting for this conference, was the luxurious and gorgeous Paris City Hall.


April, 2011: Haiti, Port au Prince

The devastating earthquake that hit Haiti and rendered 200,000 people homeless in 35 seconds, struck us as a moment of truth in our mission to have positive social impact. By April 2011, our company CO2 Bambu, was committing significant resources, (time, money, effort) to launch a low cost bamboo housing activity as a solution for the many homeless in Haiti. What had been a vision a year earlier, was starting to take shape. We built 2 model homes and delivered bamboo seedlings to initiate a bamboo forest in Haiti. We hired and trained a Haitian team of builders and there was a sense of mission in our company in Nicaragua, that we could help our Haitian neighbors in their time of need.


April, 2010: Haiti, Port au Prince

While we were focused on launching our young business, building low cost bamboo houses in Nicaragua, Haiti’s earthquake catastrophe seemed impossible to ignore. The two main needs at this time were housing and health care. Surely there was something we could do to help, with housing… Peta was instrumental in pushing me to go and take action and not just be sitting on the sidelines. I bought a round trip ticket to Haiti to get a first hand understanding of what was required and to assess whether we could in fact have positive impact in Haiti.


April, 2009: Nicaragua, Granada

Peta’s first birthday in Nicaragua, in the new chapter of our lives as empty nesters and expats in a new country. Granada was to become our home base for the next six years of life in Latin America.


It has been ten years since we launched our Green Global Trek. We have lived and worked or travelled in over 30 countries (whose counting?) and yet every year the list of countries we want to travel to grows longer!

Given a choice, Peta will always choose a trip as a birthday celebration over any other kind of birthday gift and it seems that on our birthdays we tend to take stock of our nomadic lifestyle and our ever evolving travel wish list. As of now, we are hoping to manifest trips to: Mozambique, South Africa (back to Peta’s roots), Ethiopia, Tanzania, Botswana, Iran, Oman, Nepal, Malaysia, Korea.. So many countries, so little time.




72 thoughts on “A decade of nomadic birthdays

  1. Darlene Foster

    Wishing you a very Happy, even though belated, Birthday, Peta!! How wonderful to celebrate your birthday in different parts of the world. I love the picture of you on the end of the boat. You look so relaxed and I must say, graceful. The adventure continues….. <3

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Thanks Darlene. I would way rather spend money on experiences through traveling, than on stuff (gifts). I hope to continue celebrating birthdays in new countries whenever possible. It makes each birthday memorable due to the context and new environment. The adventure continues indeed…


  2. lexklein

    Happy belated birthday, Peta! I always wish for a trip to celebrate my birthday also – so much better than a physical gift! I was stunned to see how long you’ve been in (or looking into) Sri Lanka – wow, time flies! Great idea for a post tracking your nomadic movements over the years across ten Aprils.

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Thanks Lex. Ah yes, trips over gifts any time. Every time. We first came to Sri Lanka when we were enroute from Thailand to India and found out that the plane stopped in Sri Lanka and decided to maximize on that and stayed three weeks. In all there were 3 visits before we made it our home base. But yes, time does fly and we are super conscious of that.

      Ben is very happy that you like his idea of a post tracking our nomadic movements over 10 years, whereas I had my doubts.. 🙂


  3. Lynn

    Happy Birthday beautiful Peta! What an incredible journey you & Ben have shared! Wishing you so many more wonderful birthdays to celebrate all that you are!

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      The last ten years have been incredibly satisfying from a travel point of view. From the time I was about 15 I always vowed that one day I would live in many different countries, and for many years I prioritized raising my boys in Chicago, so as an empty nester, I jumped on the opportunity to finally follow this passion!

      Thanks Lynn for your kind words and birthday wishes.


  4. charles

    Oh my goodness, Peta, happy birthday to you. I liked checking out all your shots of Portugal. What a special place. Hugs, Charles

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Ah yes Portugal, a country we really both resonated with and hope to spend more time in, in the future. There are a bunch of different posts in our archives on Portugal if you want to see more.

      Besos y abrasos,

  5. Anita @ No Particular Place to Go

    A happy, belated birthday to you Peta. You’re right that getting older is a privilege and I love your attitude of appreciating each and every day. It was so fun to see where the last 10 years have taken you and I found it interesting to realize that I had celebrated birthdays in three of the places you had listed: Granada, the Algarve and most recently, Hoi An. A strange coincidence! Here’s to your next year wherever you may be!

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Thanks Anita! That is a strange coincidence. So glad that you too got to celebrate a few birthdays in some of my favorite places in the world!

      I am always amused when people complain about getting older and I might even retort, well, consider the alternative! Getting older is what happens if we are fortunate to live long enough. My brother died at the age of 24 and that had a huge impact on me and on my perception of life and death, and taught me to “seize the day”.


    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      It is difficult not to go round and round, around the waist, when living with a Frenchman who loves his croissants (and yes, there are really good ones in Sri Lanka, near us). Constant battle!

      Agreed… here’s to more round and round the world!


  6. Gary

    Wow! This is an impressive birthday resumé! I love how you emphasize the accumulation of experience and travel over things.

    My Dad always told me that experience is the greatest treasure we have, beyond any thing we could ever own. I suppose we should talk about Portugal sometime…definitely high on my To Go To List!

    Always so inspired by the two of you!

    Happy Birthday month Peta!

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Oh I like that terminology “birthday resume”! I have ALWAYS chosen travel over stuff. So much so, that for years when we were living in Chicago, we had no living room real furniture because every time I went couch shopping and saw the prices I decided to use the money for a trip instead!

      Your dad is a wise man. What a great lesson to pass on to one’s kids! Hopefully I have done the same with my sons 🙂

      A few years back while spending some time in Europe we assumed we would fall in love with Spain, and maybe we still will, mostly because of our antecedents in Latin America, but we were taken by surprise with our instant love of Portugal. While we don’t have the language, there is a rustic charm and a lot of authenticity. We still have much to explore and discover there.

      Thanks Gary for reading us and your lovely comments!


  7. Anabel Marsh

    What a wonderful idea for a post. Belated birthday wishes, Peta, I hope you had a wonderful day. Although we always live in the same place, I have often celebrated my birthday abroad because it is July 16, peak vacation time. Not only that, the second Monday in July is a public holiday in Glasgow and my workplace closed down Friday-Monday, so 4 years out of 7 I wasn’t required to work anyway. Even if we weren’t travelling I could have a daytrip somewhere. *Thinks* maybe I should copy your post idea!

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Anabel, we would be flattered if you were to do a post with the same type of theme and we look forward to reading it. Your birthday falls on a holiday and my birthday is April 1st ~ April Fools Day. What this means on a personal level, is that friends I went to school with, still to this day remember my birthday date and I honestly have no clue as to when their birthdays are!

      Thanks for your feedback and birthday wishes.

  8. Sharon Rosenzweig

    You do get around. They say be careful what you wish for, but you got it right. They also say Know thyself!

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Sharon, as you know, we are firm believers in knowing what you want in life… the only way to manifest it happening is if one is super clear. My bout with cancer in 2005 helped me gain clarity on making the most of the time and life that I have and making global travel more central was something that I had dreamed of since poring over National Geographic photos os a youngster.


  9. Christie

    Such a wonderful way to celebrate birthdays! Your blog is truly inspiring. What if not memories is what we take with us while moving on, and as you said “So many countries, so little time”, we need not to waste our time.. Wishing you all the best for your future birthdays 🙂

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Christie thanks for stopping by to read Green Global Trek and leaving your feedback. Welcome! The more global nomads we meet and talk to, the more destinations we seem to add to our list of countries we want to visit. We recently had a delightful visit with one of our blog readers, Lisa Dorenfest, a world sailor and through an evening or two of conversation, she added a whole lot of destinations to our priority list! It’s a good problem to have.

      Peta & Ben

  10. Amit

    Wonderful roundup, and what a pair of wanderlusters! I love your list of places yet visited – all you need to do is see yourselves already there.. and voila, manifestation!

    I’d also recommend Mongolia. The pristine nature, far from the havoc and traffic of UB, is next to none. You can travel for days without seeing another soul. Horses, camels, the occasional grouping of yurts or dusty village. The countryside was breathtaking – and where I heard pure silence. tinged only by the occasional breeze. Priceless. I think you’d love it!

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Thanks Amit, glad you like our roundup!

      Yesss… I forgot to put Mongolia!! And funnily enough, just before we opened the computer I said to Ben “we forgot to write Mongolia”. and then I read your comment. Sounds incredible. Thanks for the nudge. We do love to go to places that are off the beaten track, as you know.


  11. Joanne Sisco

    What an amazing and busy decade it’s been for you both! You’ve covered a lot of ground – both figuratively and literally – in that 10 years.
    Very best wishes for the next 10 years and more wonderful adventures ahead for you.

    I LOVE the 3rd photo of you, Peta, in the head stand. Not only is the pose itself awesome, but omg – the muscles in your shoulders and back!! You are a remarkable woman.

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Joanne, thanks for these so kind and flattering comments and good wishes.

      Those muscles… all from doing yoga and in fact, when I had breast cancer surgery in 2005 one of the muscles in my back, my litisimus dorsi was moved to the front to protect my new implant. I was worried that I would have diminished mobility and strength, but I gained it all back, thankfully. Thank you for the compliment!


  12. Patti

    Happy belated birthday(s), Peta. What a fantastic way to chronicle your birthday celebrations. If nothing else, our sites give us immediate reflections on our lives, memories and travel destinations.

    When I turned 58 we were in Paris and I wanted to do something big so I decided we should climb to the towers of Notre Dame. Now, anyone who knows me well knows that I have a terrible fear of heights. But I was determined to try. I got up the stairwell alright, but once the stairwell opened up to the outside cat walk between the towers I froze. So disappointed but there I was clinging to the wall as Abi stepped out to catch some photos. Fortunately, a woman (my angel) who worked at the church found me and showed me the way out/down.

    But, if nothing else I created a birthday memory! Ha! Ha!

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      OH my god!!!! Patti, believe me I can relate to this. I have a fear of heights too but even more so a fear of sheer drops. I have had this experience you talk of a few times. The most memorable one was in Peru when we were hiking and the path suddenly got narrower and narrower and the drop steeper and steeper. I could not move. Eventually I did it by sitting on my butt and looking at the mountain side, but it was terrifying. And then an elderly Peruvian woman came springing by like a goat with a whole pack of heavy firewood on her back!


  13. Ann

    Happy Birthday! And I am impressed that you have lived so many different places. Most people only dream of doing something like that, you have actually done it! And thanks for sharing at least a bit of your nomadic life with us on your blog!

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Well, when the boys were younger we dreamt about it and then once they youngest finished high school, we executed the vision by buying one way tickets to Nicaragua. That was ten years ago and we have been traveling ever since.

      It is interesting to us how many people tell us how “lucky” we are; we are lucky yet this is a life we have and continue to consciously create. It is about having the dream and then having the courage to trust that things will work out.

      Thanks for the birthday wishes Ann!


  14. Johanna Bradley

    Isn’t it funny how some of us have that wanderlust and yet some people remain completely untouched by it? (unfortunately I’m married to one of the latter 🙂 ) Even so I’ve been in some great places for many of my birthdays, Peta, but I can’t hope to compete with you. Many congratulations on another fulfilled and happy birthday. And for the good work that you and Ben are doing.

    I read your Algarve/Spain post but couldn’t comment. Those west coast beaches are something, aren’t they? Carvoeira is very commercial but off season has it’s charm, and you can go east, west or north very easily.

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      It is very true what you say about having that wanderlust for travel or not. It is a difficult/dangerous thing when BOTH people in a couple have the travel bug, as it results in an insatiable thirst for ever more travel 🙂

      We really loved that region of Portugal and do hope to spend more time there. We were in Carvoeira off season and it definitely is very pretty, but can see how in peak season it would be overwhelmed with people.

      Ben & Peta

  15. Brook

    Peta, how I wish I was there for this birthday and OH how Sri Lanka, Viet Nam and Nicaragua has a very very special place in my heart because of YOU. Thankfully, I was blessed to share my brother Sag Ben’s birthday in Sri Lanka last year.

    I love you both so dearly and I look forward to the next country that we can connect and share another unforgettable birthday with you.

    Thank you so much for sharing this blog….until the next time…

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Brook!!! We both MISS You!!! In Sri Lanka and in our lives in general. We have shared more of the world with you than anyone else. In addition to Sri Lanka, Viet Nam, Nicaragua, we were also together in India, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Can’t wait for our next get together, wherever it is. Lets not forget, we owe Sri Lanka to YOU!

      Love you too Brook.


  16. Liesbet

    You guys are just the most incredible people and bloggers! A very interesting post. Funny thing is that I played with the idea of turning ten of my birthdays (my thirties) into a blog, article or a story. At one point, I was going to write my memoir around those birthdays, which took place in different countries. Then, I changed my mind, thinking it would be too boring for a reader. I still have the idea to incorporate those experiences somewhere in the future.

    I really enjoyed reading about your last decade, Peta, and wish you many more spectacular birthdays in the most amazing and inspiring of places. And, I fully agree: too many places to visit and too little time!

    I like your dog paintings as well. The sunset one with the dog with the titled ears is my favorite!

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Liesbet, thanks for your enthusiasm and positive feedback. I too thought that a birthday “resume” would be boring, but Ben persisted on the basis that it would be a cool collection of memories and interesting snapshot of a decade.

      The dog paintings numbered about 45 in total when I was done. They were all around 5ft x 5ft and I had a perfect platform for selling them. Mostly to foreign visitors who were all sure that they had seen the exact dog that was in a specific painting, in Granada. It was an interesting point of convergence for dog lovers and art lovers. Makes sense that you would appreciate these works given your affection for canines.

      Peta & Ben

  17. Sue Slaght

    I perhaps use the word inspiring too often, but the two of you are the poster couple, the genuine thing. Doing good in big ways and small wherever you go. Taking care of people and this earth with loving grace. Wishing you decades more of exploring and loving.


    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Sue thanks for such supportive and positive feedback. I assume you are referring to the work we did in Nicaragua and Haiti. These were emotionally draining times, in particular Haiti. We did not have as much impact in Haiti as we had hoped, but at least we gave it our best shot! The extraordinary multitiered screw up by international NGO’s in Haiti was of historic proportion and we are saddened for our Haitian friends that years later, the population impacted by the earthquake remains essentially devoid of proper housing, clean water, adequate health to this day.

      Thanks too for the good wishes for more!

      Peta & Ben

  18. Cheryl

    Happy belated birthday, Peta! Love the way you make nature your home — wherever you go. Some excellent captures of birds and trees in your travels. Love it!

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Thanks Cheryl. I love cities too, but I can only live in them, if I can find escapes into nature to regain tranquility and grounding. Gotta have green around me in some form around me, and on my plate 🙂


  19. Lisa Dorenfest

    Wow! What an amazing 10 years. Nice to live life on your own terms. As it should be. That map at the top summarizes it perfectly. And Peta’s pose in the second picture shows that the nomadic life has kept Peta in top-shape!! I am still hopeful that you manifest that visit South Africa (home) while we are sailing there from October until January. Would love to see you both again. Good to see your blog back online. Tried to visit yesterday but it was offline for some odd reason. Hope your travels are going well.

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Thank you Lisa!

      I hope we manifest those travels to Africa as well! Oh how fun would it be to meet up again, but this time in Africa!!

      We have no idea what happened to our blog for 48 hours. It vanished and we had to get in touch with wordpress to get it back. Yikes. Scary.

  20. Mabel Kwong

    Happy Belated Birthday, Peta! Hope it was a great birthday for you this year 🙂 Looks like you had so many adventures over the last decade on and around your birthday, Ben seems to very up for making your birthday a good one each year, whether near or further apart, closer or further away from home. Hopefully many more adventures to come in the coming years. Nothing like spending a special day doing something you truly love, seeing the world and being content at heart 🙂

  21. Frank

    Happy Birthday Peta!
    Lissette’s birthday is next week and you made me think about where we’ve been every May 4th since leaving Canada 4 years ago. It’s also given me an idea about what I can do for her birthday, so thank you 🙂

  22. Shari Pratt

    What a wonderful way to birthday, Peta, traveling to a new country every year, a new culture to savor. I am awed by the way Ben’s company invests in local economies to benefit the people who live there instead of sapping their labor and exploiting their resources.

    My favorite pic is of Peta head over heels at the edge of the sea. I’ll be back to this post to read all the attached articles.

    I’m a bit late to wish you Happy Birthday 2018, but really, happy year!

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Thanks Shari! If we can pull it off, being in a new country for a birthday is a grand way to celebrate another year of life. CO2 Bambu, the bamboo housing business we created in Nicaragua was all about positive social and environmental impact. This was our driving philosophy and we spent six years of our lives focused around that. It was quite the adventure!

      Never too late for birthday wishes, and a happy year to you too.


  23. Pamela

    I am so sorry that I am late in wishing you a happy birthday, Peta! But I have a feeling that you celebrate every day with vibrancy, love, and enthusiasm.

    I realize when reading this post about your amazing travels that we all should probably treat each day as a birth. A birth into learning, being, and feeling the joy of each new day from morning to night. I think you LIVE this, and you teach your readers to live each birth day also. XO 💕

    1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

      Thank you Pam for such lovely compliments. Vibrancy, love and enthusiasm.. I like that. Yes!
      Thanks for the birthday wishes. Never too late. Happy birthday to you too for whenever it is. 🙂


      1. Pamela

        My birthday is on the Ides of March. Each year I hesitate to celebrate (and that’s been since I was a child). in some ways, I think I’ve always not understood the reason to celebrate one day in a life, once a year. As I aged, I added that confusion with worry about aging, and losing my ability to love every day. I like YOUR attitude. Every birth day is a gift – we’re so fortunate to be healthy and loved and able to love. That’s a lot to celebrate — every day. xo

        1. GreenGlobalTrek Post author

          Pamela, between celebrating life once a year on birthdays and celebrating life every day, it is interesting to note that all the worlds religions chose to identify one day a week to urge their respective congregations to celebrate life once a week. Christians on Sundays, Jews on Saturdays, Muslims on Fridays. Seems that pushing for a once a week reset button is a formula that has worked relatively well for thousands of years. Neither of us are religious but if we can celebrate having love in our lives and being healthy, well that is something to be conscious of and celebrate as often as possible. Hear, hear, xoxo


  24. Laurel

    I’m very behind in reading posts….but I wanted to wish you all the blessings of health and joy in this new year of your life, Peta. What a fun celebration to look back over a decade of living fully and with intention! How wonderful that you and Ben share the same vision.

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