CO2 Bambu builds eco lodge near Granada: Parque Ecologico de Malacos

CO2 Bambu was recently awarded a contract to build a small eco lodge on the outskirts of Granada. The trend for rural tourism in Nicaragua is clear and bamboo has a role to play in support of this eco friendly segment of the tourism industry.

CO2 Bambu eco lodge outside Granada finished March 2013. The lodge sits on a large finca (farm) that is being converted into an eco tourist destination. Thousands of fruit trees have been planted, a lake created and rescued wild animals are being released into the surrounding area by the Nicaraguan Animal Wildlife Rescue Center.tion


Dr Alvarado, the owner of the finca, has done a superb job attracting birdlife by creating a canal that goes around the property. This finca is a hidden gem on the outskirts of Granada.

Serenity was the objective and Dr Alvarado has achieved it. No doubt this will be a destination for those in search of eco-tourism and a chance to explore Nicaragua’s flora and fauna.

Below: Pictures of the construction process


Now that the bigger hotel is complete, we tackle the smaller, stand alone bungalow…

One thought on “CO2 Bambu builds eco lodge near Granada: Parque Ecologico de Malacos

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