Weekend in L.A.

Every so often life has a way of throwing a curve ball or a wink by twisting the traditional trajectory of things. What are we talking about? The amusing, endearing and unexpected combination of seeing my (Ben) mom Jacqueline… and my son, Ezra, cohabit and be “roomies”. Ezra moved from Portland Oregon into his grandmother’s house six months ago in Beverly Hills. A bit of a change from the organic farm, sleep in a leaking tent perched on a sloping hill on the island of Ometepe, to 500 thread count luxurious cotton sheets,  laundry service and grandma on tap, all in all providing a deliciously welcoming and soft nest.

On the other side of the equation, there is Grandma JB, flashing her permanent good mood and happy disposition like others flash their permanet tan.  JB is a no nonsense, forceful and oh so charming grandmother who has very clear concepts about proper behaviour, the importance of building up a career (whatever it may be), has little patience for the vagabond life and has therefore an opportunity to shape her offspring with grandmotherly advice and coaching.

The value systems of the two room-mates are so far apart, that I was looking forward to spending a week end with them, a bit like one would go to the local museum’s anthropological section.  Surprisingly, love and intellectual rapport (which both enjoy greatly) far outweighs the differences and they make a very good pair.  He tries, but alas with little success, to influence her eating habits away from French cheese and morning coffee (she is Parisian after all) to organic and raw food drinks. That didn’t pan out.  He also tries to coax her into a morning yoga routine (ha!).

What she DOES do, is provide a formidable trove of family vignettes, wisdom on how to navigate life, and importantly, gives him a run for his money when playing scrabble.  As a painter, she also provides that source of visual stimulation and creativity.

As a musician, his guitar playing around the house adds a musical dimension to their lives together.

Our favorite jaunt: a small hike in the hills surrounding JB’s house…

So the family got together around JB’s table, for the standard and always appreciated “MON fils is coming to town, I’d better make hi s favorite meal” — gigot (French lamb roasted to perfection).  . A multi generational affair it was… infused with the rumble of political discourse pre elections.  Great to reconnect with Sophie, Chantal et al.

One thought on “Weekend in L.A.

  1. JB

    Very entertaining..and , yes I get along really well with my beautiful Grandson Ezra…. What a great and rare pleasure to get the whole family together!!!!!!!I love you all…

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