Weekends in Granada

It’s not that unusual to encounter a stray horse around the corner from our house.

Ben making friends 

A carrot treat goes a long way…

Convento San Francisco a block away from our house 

Peta in “tourist” mode in front of Covento San Francisco around the corner from our street

A momentary lull in the ongoing workload and demands of CO2 Bambu

And yes, he still likes his girlfriend!

Menacing skies! The rainy season is underway in Nicaragua

Delivery of cut grass from a neighbor down the road, for our compost heap

Ben and Mango taking a much needed dip in the pool


“Princessa” has changed her status from street dog to 75% residence at Casa Hubbert Peak with the rest of us. One of the sweetest most affectionate animals around.

Off to get Ben’s cappucino

One of the visual treats of Granada is the brightly colored walls

The softer light in the late afternoon

Finally cappucino and newspaper at Parque Central

Some people REALLY know how to relax on the weekend
3 out of 7 cats on the bed enjoying the view

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