P.S. December brings one way tickets

We blogged about a flurry of recent one way tickets to Nicaragua, but we forgot to mention Ella. Who is Ella? To know how we met Ella you first need an introduction to Jesse. Jesse (a good friend of Josh, our oldest) spent about six months living in San Juan del Sur at the beach surfing every day and helping set up a small hostel there. Occasionally, Jesse would stop in to our house, for a “Granada fix”. On her last visit to us before returning to the US, she came with a friend who was visiting her in Nicaragua for a few weeks – namely, Ella.

Ella was living in SF and working for an aerospace company, Lockheed Martin, working on space-based infra-red technology programs. Ben and Ella initiated a career discussion over dinner one night, a discussion which continued over email and skype once Ella returned to the US after her visit. Long story short, when Ella was ready for her next career move, Ben looked at her CV to see if he could advise her towards a career path, taking advantage of her Russian language skills, ( she is originally from Ukraine) combined with an MBA and work experience in aerospace. Ahhh, but this is where the story gets good… After reading her CV, which emphasized her interest in environmental issues, her experience with leading adventure “wilderness treks”, Ben realized that CO2 Bambu would be a good fit! That was 3 months ago.

Ella arrived on Christmas day with a one way ticket in her hand and a reservation to stay with a local Nica family that rents out rooms and speak Spanish only. She starts, at a Nica salary, to work on CO2 Bambu’s Materials Requirements Planning, something that the company needs urgently, and which was her area of specialization in aerospace.

One thought on “P.S. December brings one way tickets

  1. biscotriscuit

    Ella is such a wonderful person and should be a great addition to your team. I am definitely going to keep following this blog and see all the work that you will be doing together.

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