This stray dog travels north – in a tube

It’s been an all consuming bamboo world for a year – a start up comes in waves… and we are at a place where things are about to accelerate to the next phase of the business. Success in Haiti will bring significant operational challenges. .. I am lobbying Ben to take a break after his next trip to Haiti and before industrial ramp up.
I was thinking we should take advantage of seeing another country in Central or South America. Where are the most impressive bamboo structures in the region? Colombia without a doubt. We were first exposed to some of the magnificent architecture when we went to the Bamboo Congress in Puebla, Mexico about three years ago. Huge gorgeous bamboo churches, stadiums, bridges, homes….. Colombia is also known for salsa dancing, nightlife and very attractive women. So if I can’t get Ben to take a break to go to Colombia, he’s not likely to go anywhere, and then it looks like another year without a break. But wait a minute, there happens to be a week long flower festival in Medellin (in August) and a week long regional music festival in Cali. Seems like the right time to go…
And yet, even if I can convince Ben to go, we can’t afford it right now.
That pretty much summarizes my state of mind and reality until 3pm today.
At 3pm today there was a knock at our door. A Canadian visitor to Nicaragua, saw two of my Stray Dog paintings at PURE, the yoga/gym across the road and wanted one to take home. So, after making a donation to Casa Lupita, the community clinic (where I took 2 cats for neutering just this week and where I have volunteered in the past), I am in the position to have two tickets to Colombia, to whisk my boyfriend away.
So provided that no insurmountable business crisis occurs and that I can find somebody to take care of our current horde of 10 animals, we may be discovering Colombia soon.
If it happens, this trip will be courtesy of Teddy, the saddest of little dogs, whom I painted several times. He was a character of a small dog with a big personality. He roamed the main drag in town, living to a ripe old age thanks to the generosity of restaurant owners down “La Calzada”. Teddy was the inspiration for this series of Stray Dogs paintings. Thanks Teddy!

2 thoughts on “This stray dog travels north – in a tube

  1. Sharon

    What a great post! I’m so glad for this story, and for the perfect use of painting cash– it should be used for exactly that. You go, girl!!

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