Forecasting the Times…..

Back in 2007, I wanted to record the geo-political environment that surrounded the forthcoming US
Presidential elections. Since I was addicted to the Financial
Times (still am, to the point of getting FT mailed to me to Nicaragua, and reading one month old papers), what more obvious than to do a collage of my favorite articles? So started a gradual process of “dressing” my piano.

Now why is this a topic worth blogging about today? well, it dawned on me that randomly pasted articles point exactly to where we stand with CO2 Bambu today.

Moving left to right on the key board cover, here are the data points:
Item 1: Danger ahead / US economic slow down. This of course was the macro-context that accellerated our move to a lower cost of living country to weather the economic meltdown in the U.S.

Item #2: Katrina was a big story at the time, but the main message, juxtaposed to destroyed homes “We can do better” speaks now directly to CO2 Bambu’s focus on delivering ecological housing solutions for disaster relief.
Item #3: “US Judge to rule on question of BP chief”. Today, BP’s oil spill is the number one news story, again.
Item #4: the visuals of coffee + Chavez + Iran reads today like a clear reference to Nicaragua.
The only thing missing from these visuals might have been a reference to Haiti…

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