Vignettes of being home in Nicaragua

So what’s life like (this week) now that I am back from US travels?

A demonstration in chocolate sauce making by Jenny – Dutch girl working in Granada in a nearby hospital.

This handmade approach of roasting, shelling, grinding, straining is laborious. Unlikely that I am going to be toiling over a hot stove anytime soon. It was interesting to watch the process though.

Ben managed to carve out a bit of time for a scultpure session, using a friend in town for a short while, as his model. Lately work has infiltrated most waking hours, weekends included, so it was nice to get a bit of diversion. We now have a wall of sculptures in our bathrooom garden.

Salsa lessons are back on… Wednesday evenings, at our house, with Juan the expert mover and shaker dance teacher. Five people showed up to immerse ourselves in yet another aspect of Latino culture.
It’s been raining off and on for the last few days. Solidly for two nights and a day. Certainly it’s my first experience since living here for nine months, of days of solid rain and grey skies. Makes for quite a nice change.

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