It’s about starting a new garden….

We have made plans to build a CO2bambu house with the downstairs current space (as pictured), becoming my studio, and the upstairs which will all be bamboo, a bedroom, bathroom and shower. Once complete we will be able to rent this space and/or have it available for use by family and friends.

Right now the space is being used to store materials for recycling. A truck comes once a week, and the “garden” of the “studio” serves as the first recycling center in Granada. We have very slowly made incremental steps toward improving the space. We envision painting the front doors a sky blue and the interior walls of the garden, a light creamy bamboo color.

I also have been growing various seeds, experimenting to see what grows and how well. So far the cacao seeds from Selva Negra Farm (up North in Matagalpa and in cloud forest region), are doing very well. I understand there is some kind of health benefit to eating a part of a cacao seed raw. (Topic to be further researched.)
I have some pomegranate seeds that are sprouting. In addition to their great taste and ruby red color, they have antioxidant and high levels of vitamin C and B.

The most eagerly anticipated progress is that of the seeds that Ben was given as a gift in Haiti. If these grow here, they should yield some large and juicy Haitian callalas (passion fruit)!

There are also small chiles, basil, and mint already growing nicely, and two small avocado trees. One of the best features of this property which attracted us, were the four mature fruit trees already growing, providing shade for a good part of the day and creating a nice breeze. Namely: coconut, orange, jocote and mango. Ok, so now that its mango season one does have to be a bit careful about what falls out of the sky! That said, eating a mango that has just dropped from the tree, is sweet fruit indeed.

(The other great feature, that will show itself once the second floor is built, will be the direct view towards the volcano Mombacho and a side distant view of lake Cocibolca.

A few days ago we drove to Masaya, a small neighboring industrial town, in search of ladrias, which are the natural local stones. After much searching, we finally found the “stone place” and selected some large pieces to create paths over what currently is merely soil. These were really inexpensive, about sixty cordobas, ie three dollars per layer, or square meter, and a slightly more hefty sum to deliver them. The truck followed our taxi into Granada. Once we layed them out.. we headed another day to Catarina, where all the nurseries are and found ourselves some ground cover, cut into squares like carpeting. Plans are for a compost heap and elevated beds for lettuce and tomatoes and other veggies. Sling a hammock between the orange tree and the jocote, and we are all set!

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