Family visit to Nica – for first time

Q: Ways your trip might impact your life?


Maybe more adventurous in the future?

Will start Spanish lessons


Will learn Spanish (hopefully)

Will learn more about Nicaraguan and its people

Will visit again

Fun and interesting things we did



Boat trips

Shopping with Ben

Visiting beach property at Ostional

Staying at Mango Rosa near Maderas Beach

Eating at El Pozo (so yummy!)

Going into San Juan del Sur

Going to Ben’s bamboo factory

Walking around town

Horse back riding on Ometepe volcanic Island


Watching processions at dawn

The endless heat

Swimming in beach, lake, home pool

Running on the beach

Splashing sand at each other

Making healthy green salads

Hanging out together

Ben’s wild cowboy car driving

Exploring property/beach at Ostional

Watching Ben and Peta work as a team (for bamboo business)

Road trips – buying mangos and eating them in the car

Sunset on Ometepe

Wild horses frolicking in Lake Nicaragua

Finding pansy shells on Ostional beach

Swimming at Playa Coco Beach


Being on vacation (in Nicaragua) with Shani

Seeing my sister again…

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