How does one prepare for a trip to Haiti?

Ben leaves tomorrow for Haiti for meetings with various organizations and entities interested in sustainable low cost bamboo housing, and it occurs to me that on a personal emotional level there is no way to prepare for witnessing the devastation and suffering that we read about and hear about.

However, on a practical level, there is a fair amount to take care of. Today is about going from one official to another trying to get permission and documentation in order to legally take bamboo seeds from here to there, for our reforestation efforts. Ben left early this morning and will be back late tonight and hopefully his efforts will be successful. Given that there is very limited accomodation or hotel rooms, Ben will be sharing a tent with our on the ground co-ordinator and his extended family.

If you google information about going to Haiti you will soon realize that common sense will have to prevail because there are just so many caveats. Hopefully we have taken care of the essentials: Malaria pills, mosquito net and repellant, hand sanitizer, sardines, nuts, granola bars, water, flashlight, soap, toilet paper, towel. Much like what one would need for a survival camping trip plus malaria pills.

There is a feeling though of being able to help and to have impact where its most needed in the world today that makes the effort very worthwhile.

And somehow, for me at least, its not nearly as scary as Oren doing the KALALAU trail a few days ago!!

3 thoughts on “How does one prepare for a trip to Haiti?

  1. Sharon

    What’s the Kalalau trail? How long will Ben be in Haiti? It’s wonderful that he’s taking this on. Sometimes you find yourself in a unique position to do good, to be the connection that needs to get made. He has the necessary information, thus the mission. Intrepid Ben… Have Bamboo, Will Boogie. Stay safe, take notes, keep us informed. You guys rock, as always.

  2. Peta Kaplan-Sandzer and Ben Sandzer-Bell

    The Kalalau trail is described as one of the ten most dangerous hikes in America (and also most beautiful) It is on the Na Pali coast of Kauai, Hawaii. It is described by the Sierra club as a one of a kind, strenuous, treacherous backpacking trip!

    Ben will be in Haiti for five days – stay tuned!

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