Visit from a home exchange-er.

A few years ago when we went college visiting with our youngest son, Adam, to Washington D.C., we did a home exchange for our house here in Granada. We were delighted with the gorgeous contemporary 3 story house in Adams Morgan, complete with jacuzzi for 8 on the roof and a dog, Ike, that came along with the house. Eric was equally delighted with our home here, even though he had to deal with a few water and electricity cut offs during his stay.

Over the years, we have kept in touch with Eric via email and have sent photos to each other and developed a “homeexchange friendship”. So I was thrilled to learn that Eric would visit Granada yet again. Finally, we could meet in person.

When I came home from the animal clinic the other day, with my cat in a box, Eric was sitting outside the house waiting for me. I have slept in his bed, he has slept in ours, but we have never met! A year ago or so, there was a segment on the news in D.C. about homeexchange and Eric was contacted and interviewed, while he was staying at our house. He sent us the link and we all rejoiced in our brief media attention.

It is plain as can be that Eric is experiencing the Granada gravitational pull. He is already scoping out homes for sale and is talking in terms of what locations “would be best, should he ever decide to open a restaurant here” (he runs an upscale diner in Adams Morgan). Who knows, the home exchange magic may yet turn Eric into a Granada neighbor?!

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