Organic gastronomy and other edibles…

Selva Negra is an organic foodies dream come true. It is a well established self sustaining organic farm which pushes the envelope of recycling and optimization of the organic food chain to its limit. NOTHING is wasted at Selva Negra.

It is nestled in the cloud forest in the mountainous region of Matagalpa. It was one of Peta’s post move-in priorities to figure out a way to get a reliable supply of organic produce, similar to the Community Supported Agriculture arrangement we had participated in Highland Park. There, the weekly delivery from Wisconsin farmers was $45/week. Peta arranged for a weekly delivery of produce from Matagalpa to Granada for a few of us interested parties to get the goods. As for all things in Nicaragua, it was only a matter of coming up with an idea and making it happen. This is the first case of CSA that we are aware of. There are 4 participating families so far. We each paid fifteen dollars and received a HUGE potato sack bag and box of current organic veggies… cabbage, swiss chard, dill, eggplant, cauliflower, broccoli and about a dozen grapefruits, a few unidentifiable things, as well as home made camembert and gouda cheese free of any preservatives. Everyone was delighted with the bounty although unsure as to how we would plough through such a huge quantity.

Other notes on the food front: We spent a pleasant evening eating SUSHI (no less) at a shopping mall in Managua – surrounded by well heeled Managuans who packed the place. Not the best sushi we ever had, but decent enough to warrant future trips.

Cappucino is plentiful and fresh made by Jonathan on their cappucino machine which they shlepped with them from Seattle and painstakingly dole out cups of hot and iced cappucino such as only barristas could serve. This makes some people like Ben, very happy indeed.

But to end on a sweet note, we are happy to report that Ben will not have to spend $1200 for a round trip to Paris once a year to get his pain au chocolat fix. This man, as we know, takes his food seriously. So it was a MAJOR discovery when we stumbled upon the Italian family-owned pizza place and, most importantly, its chocolate Pizza desert. UNBELIEVABLY good.

One thought on “Organic gastronomy and other edibles…

  1. Kim

    Those veggies look amazing! Isn’t it funny how often things come together with a little desire and willing people! And Ben, our love of good coffee and chocolate will always be at the foundation of our friendship!

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