Hugo, my 9 year old neighbor, was telling me he was “aburrido”. I asked him what that meant, and he said “it’s the same as ‘triste’, which I know is Spanish for sad. I looked in my ever handy dictionary…

Hugo, my 9 year old neighbor, was telling me he was “aburrido”. I asked him what that meant, and he said “it’s the same as ‘triste’, which I know is Spanish for sad. I looked in my ever handy dictionary…
See article just out in Nicaragua’s English language newspaper, the Nica Times, front page. This gives a good update of CO2 Bambu: News from Nicaragua: Weekly Edition Newspaper: September 25 – October 1, 2009 San José Costa Rica Bamboo…
The only thing we really wanted here in our house, was the piano. It’s not just the piano, it’s the Financial Times piano which reflects the geo-political developments that interested us, over the past four years. The rise of Obama,…
I awake on Friday morning early to hear loud shrieks of “Peta Peta Peta’ outside the front door. Ben had opened the door on our first morning back to walk the dogs before leaving for meetings and was greeted by…
Brain Drain (Aviation Week’s magazine)Sep 3, 2009 By Jerome Greer Chandler You’re in the prime of your career, at the peak of your earning power and accustomed to traveling the world as a respected member of the elite aerospace profession.…
I wake up at 5:45 am, told to be “sin falta” at 7 at the airport. Peta asks me to feed the un-named kitty, so dripping from the shower and barely awake, I do my best to inject some soy…
Walking in the street last night, while Mango was chasing a soccer ball and Ben was chatting with some kids, I noticed some girls with a little kitten nearby. Suddenly they threw the kitten,…
The week started with the arrival of Gib Cooper, bambusero extraordinaire, who spun through Nicaragua as part of a broader Central American bamboo tour. Gib is the kind of guy who knows his stuff (in this case bamboo), i.e. THE…