Our visit to the Hanoi Museum of Ethnology whets our appetite for visits to the countryside. In all, Vietnam is comprised of 54 distinct ethnic groups, each with their own language, traditions, arts, clothing etc. Here, 9 sub groups of…

Our visit to the Hanoi Museum of Ethnology whets our appetite for visits to the countryside. In all, Vietnam is comprised of 54 distinct ethnic groups, each with their own language, traditions, arts, clothing etc. Here, 9 sub groups of…
Strolling new pockets of Hanoi’s Old Quarter, enjoying the colorful street scenes… The old quarter is of course only one small section of Hanoi, with other areas quite built up. Surprisingly while we understand Vietnams’ history with French colonialism, we…
Finally coming out from under an “update embargo” due to the delicate nature of discussions with CO2 Bambu shareholders, creditors, customers, partners and employees, but FINALLY we can share what’s up. So what’s up is a fundamental move along our…
If 2011 and 2012 brought CO2 Bambu to the Autonomous Region of the Atlantic North (RAAN), 2013 will be the year that opens the path for a long term presence in the Autonomous Region of the Atlantic South. With the…
We are here for IMPACT2, which is the first conference on impact finance and impact investing in France. SOCAP in San Francisco (August 2011) yielded one of our key investors — Groupe SOS, based in Paris. Led by a charismatic…
We land in Amsterdam 2 days prior to plan, as I “kidnapped” Peta the day before her birthday, with the offer to “go have breakfast in Amsterdam”. Not a bad offer, she thought. A few flight changes later, we arrive…
. The book ends of our Cuba trip was Panama. This part of the trip was bamboo-centric as we wanted to gain a sense of what is the current state of bamboo in Panama. Thanks to Gib, Co2…
Ever since our trip to India a few years ago when we found ourselves in the midst of a huge protected biosphere that was a natural habitat for…