By now we are immersed in reading multiple books written by Fidel Castro, Che Guevarra, and Jose Marti, the three leading protagonists in the history of the Cuban revolution. We cannot put these books down. The image that…

By now we are immersed in reading multiple books written by Fidel Castro, Che Guevarra, and Jose Marti, the three leading protagonists in the history of the Cuban revolution. We cannot put these books down. The image that…
Ever since our trip to India a few years ago when we found ourselves in the midst of a huge protected biosphere that was a natural habitat for…
We are in Trinidad, planning the last leg of our trip, weighing pushing further east toward Remedios, another Colonial town (known for its bombastic year end fireworks extravaganza), or going to Santa Clara (whose main claim to fame revolves around…
The bus which is very comfy, leaves at 7am for a 7-9 hour drive to Trinidad. It makes a few stops along the way and we meet some of our fellow travellers. Mostly from Europe and in particular many seem…
Las Terrazas is described as an ambitious 1950s project to develop a self-sustaining eco-conscious community, at the time when Al Gore was still hitting the books at Harvard, and long before any meaningful awakening of environmental consciousness in the United…
We always face a trade off when planning a trip, between securing lodging in a foreign land, and staying flexible to shape our trips “on the fly”. We are notoriously bad at advanced planning, but this time, due to CO2…
Minor annoyances, such as bats and potential intruders… Bats have been easily dealt with by painting one of our standing lamps in the sala a nice red, which is said to scare them off. On a recent evening I forgot…