Of our four sons, Adam is the first one who makes the move to meet up with us on our Southeast Asia adventure. He is of course primarily motivated by his passion for food and we had talked about a…

Of our four sons, Adam is the first one who makes the move to meet up with us on our Southeast Asia adventure. He is of course primarily motivated by his passion for food and we had talked about a…
Women have played an integral part in the evolving narrative of Viet Nam. As a matriarchy, the system is built around the responsibility demonstrated by women not only in raising families, but keeping the household finances together. In the rural…
With this last minute, surprise exchange, we once again rediscover why we like home exchange – because it takes us to places we wouldn’t otherwise go see and meet people we wouldn’t meet. Witness the bridge we cross to the…
So what are we doing back in Viet Nam? Two reasons we are here… One reason is Ben’s consulting work which focuses around bamboo in Indonesia and Viet Nam. Second, most exciting, is to meet Adam, one of our four…
A couple of days ago I find out from Ben that when we leave Indonesia, our flight to Vietnam is on Malaysia Airlines. (Yup, the same airlines which just had a plane disappear mysteriously from the sky.) We are scheduled…
To each city, it’s preferred mode of transportation. In Jogja, it’s the Beca. (Pronounced Betcha) These 3 wheel variants on rickshaws (thus the name TRIshaws), are ubiquitous. And, since as mentioned before, Yogyakarta residents are a creative bunch, it makes…
As hard as it was to leave Hoi An, Viet Nam, which we loved to the point of being ready to declare it our new home, it now seems incredibly obvious that Ubud is a natural habitat for us. So…
A visit to Vietnam’s most extensive archeological site – the ancient city and holy temples of My Son (“me sun”).Dedicated to the Goddess Shiva.