It’s been how long? 3 days since we arrived? “Don’t worry” Ben said, “I’m taking a LONG (and much deserved) break”… (before jumping back into work) MMhmm… OK, so on our second day, we open the Vietnam News (English newspaper)…

It’s been how long? 3 days since we arrived? “Don’t worry” Ben said, “I’m taking a LONG (and much deserved) break”… (before jumping back into work) MMhmm… OK, so on our second day, we open the Vietnam News (English newspaper)…
After a fabulous transition from Nicaragua to a new adventure, we had 3 consecutive family visits to bond with family members on the West Coast. L.A. gave us the Sandzer connection, (Jacqueline, Chantal, Sophie and Kenny and Rebecca), Portland our…
Finally coming out from under an “update embargo” due to the delicate nature of discussions with CO2 Bambu shareholders, creditors, customers, partners and employees, but FINALLY we can share what’s up. So what’s up is a fundamental move along our…
Before we left for Cuba, Peta was trying to score some greens. Let’s explain: Our prior experience was that Cubanos are carnivores. Intellectually, we know that is not true, because we have read about Cuba’s pro-active policy to create food…
I remembered from our trip last year that people on the street (Trinidad in particular) came up to us asking for things like soap, pens and clothes. This time I took bars of soap especially to give to people when…
We end our trip in what turns out to be our favorite city in Cuba – Remedios. Remedios is near the coast and looks like what we imagine Granada Nicaragua to have been like 20 years ago. As we write…
The road has been built out into the ocean to allow access to a variety of cays and islands which make up the Jardines De los Reyes (Garden of Kings). Certainly the beach is magnificent. Powder white sand, translucent turquoise…
For us, one of the key attraction of the Santa Lucia region is the abundance of bird life. After tossing and turning all night in the worst accommodation of our trip, we are up before the sun and start to hike towards…