While Camaguey is a beautiful city, we intend to spend time in nature during our vacation. The potential destinations from Camaguey are plentiful, but the logistical solutions are not. Within a couple of hours of Camaguey lies an archipelago of…

While Camaguey is a beautiful city, we intend to spend time in nature during our vacation. The potential destinations from Camaguey are plentiful, but the logistical solutions are not. Within a couple of hours of Camaguey lies an archipelago of…
After some intense “play” and down time in Amsterdam, a lot of walking, movies and consumption of Amsterdam specialties, we take the train to Rotterdam, our next stop. In Rotterdam we have two…
. The book ends of our Cuba trip was Panama. This part of the trip was bamboo-centric as we wanted to gain a sense of what is the current state of bamboo in Panama. Thanks to Gib, Co2…
By now we are immersed in reading multiple books written by Fidel Castro, Che Guevarra, and Jose Marti, the three leading protagonists in the history of the Cuban revolution. We cannot put these books down. The image that…
Ever since our trip to India a few years ago when we found ourselves in the midst of a huge protected biosphere that was a natural habitat for…
Anyone with basic US history will remember…