If our first Indian stopover, in Verkala, was imbued in Indian-ness, due to the Hindu-centric activities of the holy beach near the town’s 2000 year old Hindu temple, Kochin is an entirely different experience. It is the multiplicity of foreign…

If our first Indian stopover, in Verkala, was imbued in Indian-ness, due to the Hindu-centric activities of the holy beach near the town’s 2000 year old Hindu temple, Kochin is an entirely different experience. It is the multiplicity of foreign…
India, oh India… What a special place you hold in our memories and fantasies of exotic travel! When Peta was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to confront death, in 2005, I (Ben) seized on the mind-focusing event to ask…
We have travelled to Udawalawe Park, where we will soon have the treat of an elephant safari. This time, we opt for a low budget accommodation -~at the Elephant Fence Guest House. We often have no idea where we are…
After discovering the architectural marvels of Fort Galle and relaxing to the crashing waves and beautiful rhythm of the Indian Ocean at Unawatuna, we are ready for some action. Bird action, that is. We have read about the extensive fauna…
Fort Galle in Sri Lanka, is the largest fort city in Asia. It was built by the Portuguese, then subsequently taken over by the Dutch and the British, until Sri Lanka gained its independence in 1948. It was a major…
At the most Southern tip of Sri Lanka, the waves of the aquamarine Indian Ocean crash onto the soft ochre-colored sand. From the moment we arrive at The Frangipani Tree hotel near Unawatuna beach, we feel transported from the busy streets full…
We take the train for 2 hours from Colombo to Hikkaduwa on the southern coast. This time, we actually get seats! (yeah!). Travel by train remains the favorite mode of transport, so it is consistently full. This is to be…
There is no greater pleasure for us than landing in a country we know little about. The learning curve is steep, the intellectual stimulation high. All our senses kick into higher drive ready to absorb what a new culture has…